First time with Freedom Rangers


May 30, 2022
Michigan, U.S.A.
This afternoon I was looking online at TSC and another store for some Cornish X. Nobody has them. But, The Duck N' Coop Hatchery, 45 minutes from me, suddenly has 200 freedom rangers for sale. I drove over, only got lost twice, and picked up 10 rangers for $3 each. If all goes well, I will get them again next year.

With the chicks nestled in their cardboard box with a desk lamp, I realized that the heat wasn't on so the floor was not warm as it had been for the previous chicks who are now outside. I have in-floor radiant heat (warm water coursing through the floor), but the floor is cool now. So, I ordered a heater plate from Amazon, expected to arrive Saturday. You' all seem to like the heater plate better than the bulb so I thought that was the way to go. They seem to be fine right now under the light, but I would just feel better with the plate.

According to quantum physics and chicken math, another 10 isn't a lot, is it?

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