First timer-chicks arriving at different times


8 Years
Mar 3, 2011
Bothell, WA
Hello everyone, and thanks for all the welcomes over on my introduction post! My first question: I am getting 2 breeds of chicks, Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks, 2 of each. Problem is, my feed store is getting them in 3 weeks apart. Is this going to be a problem? Will I be able to put the RIR's in with 3 week old Barred Rocks?
My guess is that it would be a problem. They are pretty small compared to a three week old.
Yah I think it wouldnt be a good idea also. That is one reason I called the 2 stores we have that get chicks and picked from the breeds they are getting on April 1st. Thankfully I am getting everything I wanted. I know that isnt always possible for everyone. Good luck.
We got two pairs of chicks one week apart (a barred rock and a rhode island red, followed a week later by two americaunas). Feedback from the feed store was a cautious, "...that'll probably work."

Indeed, we had no problems. But the size / development difference even at a week is pretty impressive. My guess is three weeks is too much.
Thanks for the input. I called around yesterday and found another store that has both right now. Of course my brooder isn't ready yet, so hopefully when it is they still have some! I appreciate the answers, so now I know not to risk it.
I mixed one week olds with new chicks and after some introductory chaos all was well (feed store had one order but the hatchery shipped one set of breeds that arrived on Monday and the second set arrived Friday). But I'm glad you found a place where you could pick up both at the same time. I think any more than a week of difference and I'd have had some serious problems.

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