First to hatch is knocking eggs around


May 29, 2021
The first to hatch is knocking all the eggs around. It actually cracked one and some yolk drops are coming out. What should I do? This chick isn't completely dry yet and I don't want to shrink-wrap any that may have pipped and got rolled over. 🤦‍♂️
It wouldn't have much energy to do that for very long and should settle down. If it doesn't, do you have someone to help you get him out in seconds?

I've had to get into an incubator during hatching once before and it works slick with two people. Be sure your brooder is ready.

Wet some paper towels to wad up in your hand. Someone lifts just that side of the lid, you quickly drop the wad of damp paper towels and grab the chick. The other person has to be quick.

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