Our coop is a raised 4x4x4. Not insulated. I beleive upper venting is good; eaves are open (E&W sides) 2 windows both placed high one each N&S side. S side window has plexiglass sliding doors for light. nest boxes are outside of the 4x4 footprint. We don't want electric run to it, could do an extension cord if needed. 5 pullets in it, oldest 2 are about 2 months. Youngest 2 are about 3ish weeks. Using DL method with pine shavings, food and water are set on blocks to help keep clean. MI climate.
1. Is it likely they won't lay until after winter or might they start in the winter? Trying to get an idea when to open nest boxes, currently wire over them.
2. Should we insulate the center of roof only to keep warmth in and not block eave venting?
3. If we place full straw bales under the coop will it help keep floor warm enough to help with freezing water?
4. What's a good winter waterer? Currently have a plastic one with screw on top. I'm certain it'll crack with ice, especially trying to open it if its full of ice. Thought about using a black rubbery dish because they're great with ice, never had one break. But I've always been told not to have open water with chickens because they drown easy.
Thank you in advance, this site has been great
Our coop is a raised 4x4x4. Not insulated. I beleive upper venting is good; eaves are open (E&W sides) 2 windows both placed high one each N&S side. S side window has plexiglass sliding doors for light. nest boxes are outside of the 4x4 footprint. We don't want electric run to it, could do an extension cord if needed. 5 pullets in it, oldest 2 are about 2 months. Youngest 2 are about 3ish weeks. Using DL method with pine shavings, food and water are set on blocks to help keep clean. MI climate.
1. Is it likely they won't lay until after winter or might they start in the winter? Trying to get an idea when to open nest boxes, currently wire over them.
2. Should we insulate the center of roof only to keep warmth in and not block eave venting?
3. If we place full straw bales under the coop will it help keep floor warm enough to help with freezing water?
4. What's a good winter waterer? Currently have a plastic one with screw on top. I'm certain it'll crack with ice, especially trying to open it if its full of ice. Thought about using a black rubbery dish because they're great with ice, never had one break. But I've always been told not to have open water with chickens because they drown easy.
Thank you in advance, this site has been great