I am hoping to find a new family home for 5 hens, all around 2 years old . I do not have enough time to take good care of them any more, so would like to find another chicken lover who is willing to adopt and love them as I have (non-culling preferred). They are a party of buff orpington, rhode island red, barred plymouth rock, easter egger, and a buff brahma, so they are easy to tell apart from each other. I raised them from day old chicks from an online hatchery, and they have mostly had free roam of my back yard during the day. This is the best photo I have of all of them together, sand bathing. Unfortunately, the easter egger moved, so her face is fuzzy.
Since these are 5 non-bantam breeds, a home with plenty of outdoor running space or large enclosed space would be optimal. The Rhode Island Red was the laying queen of the bunch, and there is no question that she is at the top of the pecking order. But since she was laying so regularly, and didn't molt over winter as the others did, she appears to be taking a much needed rest. She currently looks a little shaggier than the above pic. The easter egger lays 3-4 eggs/week, and the rest are laying a little less frequently.
Please let me know, if you are interested in providing these ladies a new home.
Since these are 5 non-bantam breeds, a home with plenty of outdoor running space or large enclosed space would be optimal. The Rhode Island Red was the laying queen of the bunch, and there is no question that she is at the top of the pecking order. But since she was laying so regularly, and didn't molt over winter as the others did, she appears to be taking a much needed rest. She currently looks a little shaggier than the above pic. The easter egger lays 3-4 eggs/week, and the rest are laying a little less frequently.
Please let me know, if you are interested in providing these ladies a new home.