Five 2yr old hens in need of new home (SF east bay)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
San Leandro, CA
I am hoping to find a new family home for 5 hens, all around 2 years old . I do not have enough time to take good care of them any more, so would like to find another chicken lover who is willing to adopt and love them as I have (non-culling preferred). They are a party of buff orpington, rhode island red, barred plymouth rock, easter egger, and a buff brahma, so they are easy to tell apart from each other. I raised them from day old chicks from an online hatchery, and they have mostly had free roam of my back yard during the day. This is the best photo I have of all of them together, sand bathing. Unfortunately, the easter egger moved, so her face is fuzzy.

Since these are 5 non-bantam breeds, a home with plenty of outdoor running space or large enclosed space would be optimal. The Rhode Island Red was the laying queen of the bunch, and there is no question that she is at the top of the pecking order. But since she was laying so regularly, and didn't molt over winter as the others did, she appears to be taking a much needed rest. She currently looks a little shaggier than the above pic. The easter egger lays 3-4 eggs/week, and the rest are laying a little less frequently.

Please let me know, if you are interested in providing these ladies a new home.
Although it would be nice that these sisters go to one new home, I am okay with them splitting up, if that gets them a new family with more attention. Recently, I've seen them starting to pick on the Easter Egger, so she may need a new home away from her sisters.
The Buff Orpington (Opie) and Rhode Island Red (Pumpkin) are the most confident and friendly of the five. When I used to hang around in the back yard more often, Opie and Pumpkin would follow me around. Opie also tried to sit on my lap. Unfortunately, my daughter was on my lap at the time and Opie freaked her out.

The others are a little bit shy, but with lots of interaction and snacks (they go bonkers for raisins), they will warm up to people.
Your EE may be sick...this is why she is resting and being picked on I think. Maybe boost her with vitamins, garlic, and such. Enjoy your baby girl! God bless you Mom!!!
An update on the hens, since I have yet to find them new home(s). Pumpkin, the Rhode Island Red, is finally molting for the first time. I expect that she will resume laying, once she gets all her feathers back. Cheeky, the Easter Egger, has also started molting. Cheeky had been separated from the rest of the flock for several weeks since several others started picking on her really bad. Just recently, Pickles, the Buff Brahma, has become the center of aggressive attention, so she has now joined Cheeky outside the main run area.

It would look like the Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, and Barred Plymouth Rock can go to a home together, while Pickles and Cheeky can go as a pair. Of course, when transferred to a new environment, they will likely need to re-organize their pecking order and possibly live in peace with each other again. Hopefully, they can find new, loving homes soon.

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