fixing up used cheap dog house for ducks FINISHED PICS!!!!!

Very nice job the only thing I would have done different is the floor of the house. We started with a shower drain as well over time the ducks weight bent it down I was afraid someone would get a foot stuck so we covered it up. Now we have a slated floor each piece of the floor wood is just slightly apart so the water can drain out. Living in Florida it gets hot and that means if you don't completely clean the duck house every day you get slies in addtion to the smell. This way we wash out the house each day and so far it has worked well. I noticed you have Runner ducks. Do they go into your pool? We have a quad of black runners who have yet to go into the pool. They will drink out of it but will not go into it. Let me know if your do maybe its the ramp leading up into the pool they don't like. Thanks Micki
I actually did not put a drain in the house at all, I may later but I read so many things that the ducks barely go into them that I thought I would wait and see. Yes my runners love the pool. It is the same one I was using in the garage just with a platform now, I think they will still go in it. It is does not rain tomorrow I will set it up the rest of the way and see how it goes.

agirly4chicks, thanks that is actually my new section, it was all woods last year I had some dead dangerous trees removed and cleared it out. My actual back yard is on the other side of the back fence I will have to take a pic, I have been working on it for years and it is finally looking good

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