FLIES!!! Are any of these things toxic to chickens?


13 Years
Jan 29, 2011
Niles, MI
Are any of the following known to be toxic to chickens:

Skins So Soft
Citronella Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Dish Washing Liquid
Pine Sol
Tea Tree Oil
Sandal Wood Oil

You can probably tell I am having a massive fly problem and looking online for some remedies.
I know tea tree oil is. Probably citronella too. I'm not so sure about the others. Have you considered DE? That is what I use and it works very well.
I can't tell you any specifics, but chickens have very sensitive respiratory systems, and most of what you listed works as an aromatic oil. I wouldn't use any of them. I just use the horrid sticky fly strips, hung where the chickens can't get tangled in them.
You know those fly traps in the yellow and green bags you get at hardware and farm supplies are non-toxic.
Yes, we have a similar product, and it did work. However, we are losing the battle. I need something to kill a bunch all at once that is also safe for the chickens.
Ok, thanks everyone.

I soaked some paper towels in pure vanilla and hung them from the run wire.

Also, made a mixture of Palmolive and white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and sprayed the wood and ground.

So far, it looks a lot better. The mixture above makes the flies so they cannot fly and the chickens are having a nice feast. The mixture also seems to deter them from the wood (outside perch, walls of the coop, and porch)

I'll go back out in an hour and take a look.

Edited to add: We do use DE on a regular basis out there as well.
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Can someone give the amounts you should use of the Palmolive, vinegar and water to make a gallon of spray to control the flies? Thanks!
Sand in the pen helps cut down on the fly population greatly. I use sticky fly strips as well. I've used vanilla air fresheners (for cars) hung in my garage to deter flies, seemed to work ok.

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