
10 Years
Apr 11, 2009
High Springs, Florida
I am having a massive fly problem. I have bought many fly paper traps and a couple waterbag traps from my local feed store but have not made a dent in the swarm. I bought a nontoxic bug spray that was made of peppermint oil, cinnimon oil, sesame oil and wintergreen oil. WHAT A WASTE OF $6.50!! Is there any other chicken safe bug killer I can use around my coop? Neighbors are totally cool about the noise and occasional smell of our chickens, but I am afraid swarms of flies might make them start to complain (rightfully) about them. I keep my coop VERY clean and have a deep litter system with about 8 inches of pine pellets and shavings mixed. Any sugestions will be appreciated.

They're no-pest strips (dichlorovos). Hang high or cage so that birds can't peck them. Keep chicks indoors a few days to saturate the air space in the coop to create a refuge for your birds. Meanwhile, empty all water containers outdoors and keep bird water very clean. Mow grasses as much as possible near coops. Treat bedding with food-grade DE and use the same powder in the run so birds can bathe and coat themselves with the powder.

I hardly see flies in the barn or coop and we have a horse.
I bought 2 water traps that have a tube inside the bag that you break open when you add the water and smells like a dead body. It's not really working and would love to find something that doesn't stink so bad.
OMG I bought those too and personally I think it brought flies from across the US!! It definately catches them but its nothing more than trading the fly problem for an odor problem. They smell like dead skunks on a 100 degree day!!

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