
I have WHAT in my yard?

11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
Eggberg, PA
We live in mushroom country which means mushroom houses and their wonderful flies.

Now, my coop is covered with flies all day. I keep it clean, fresh bedding and dispose of the bedding (don't want to attract predators.)

I can't spray anything what do you do?
Go to your local farm supply store (Tractor Supply). They have several non-chemical products available.
If you're willing to use pyrethins without spraying the birds, simply hand a no-pest strip made by Black Flag or Vapona in your coop. Avoid places over food/water. Good for all kinds of flies, mites, ticks, fleas, lice.

They last 3 months.
Around here the pest strips don't seem to cut down appreciably on the flies.... It'll be covered in the darn things in a few days and there will still be more flies a'comin'!
I use those hanging bait traps where you put water up to the fill line and it has this pheromone that attracks the flies. It's kind of stinky, but it attracts them crazy...captures literally hundreds of them. Be sure to replace them often otherwise your neighbors won't be too happy.

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