Float Testing, Checking Egg Viability For Late Or Overdue Hatching

I have the same type question: I have 2 duck eggs that were left from a nest. They have been in the bator almost a week and were showing good signs of veins and movement. I believe they are very close now because the eggs are so full and I can't see much of anything. I water candled and they both sunk. One had plenty of wiggles and the other, I'm not sure. The two that were just older also sunk but moved. Next day an internal pip on one. Two days later, it died with no external pip. My best guess was it ran out of air and wasn't able to break the shell. The second one did the same so after 1 1/2 days I put a small hole in the air cell of the shell only not breaking the membrane. Another story, but it is fine now. Is it possible there is not enough "air" in the voided space allowing them to float? I really want to figure this out as to not lose these two babies for something I could prevent.

I don't know anything about ducks, but my thoughts are that a live egg which does not float has not lost enough moisture or doesn't have a good airsack. Just my thoughts.
I'm still learning about the moisture deal, but I have the same theory on the air cell. I marked them this morning, so I'll see if they get any bigger. Because I'm not sure of the due date it's going to be a guessing game. Thanks for your comment :)
Both eggs are still doing good and trying to internal pip. I'm not gonna worry about the float test on these ones because I can see them trying. The air cells are getting much bigger now. Just waiting! :)
Mine sank and there were live chickens in there. They sadly stopped chirping and didn't make it out at day 24 though. I tried to assist later that day when I figured it was their only chance, but they we're long gone. We eggtopsied some of the eggs that didn't make it to hatch and found they hadn't developed past maybe day 8-12ish? Those sank as well. We had a significant temperature drop that did most of them in and I think greatly impaired the ones that continued to grow beyond that. So although living chicks sank they were not ready for the world and didn't make it. In our case it wasn't as cut and dry as chicken or no chicken, but it did say a lot about what the final result would ultimately be. I'm back to check on eggs once around day 10, then leave them be.
I put 7 eggs under my hen Fat Mama. I was sure only 1 or 2 eggs would hatch since 1/2 of them looked like pullet eggs. But day 21 all but 1 hatched out. I tried the water test on day 24 and about 15-20% of the egg bobbed out of the water. Which I thought meant there was a chick inside... But I put a hole in the end and looked inside and all I found was egg yolk... So it never developed. I buy eggs locally and put them under a broody girl and leave them alone.
Can someone please explain the float test with pictures please.
All the eggs I float tested and looked alive were dead. Rotten. Out of the batch under my hen two hatched early fully formed one got squished by the broody and the first one the egg cracked completely and the poor chik still had the yolk sac attached she did not make it past 24 hours.
Many Folks Are Having Eggs Go Overdue For Hatch And Wondering If They Are Duds, Late, Or Have Had Some Sort Of Fetal Demise.... The Float Test Is Simple Yet Effect Way Of Checking Egg Viability.

I Normally Give Eggs A Full 24 Hrs Overdue Before Float Testing. It Works On All Bird Eggs- Period! Takes Very Little Equipment Or Time To Do And Is Easy To Perform.

Start With A Bowl Of Sufficient Depth To Allow The Eggs Your Testing To Float Freely Or Sink. Add 100 Degree Water To The Needed Level And Allow It To Settle( Quit Swirling And Calm Down)

Once Settled Take The Egg Or Eggs To Be Tested And Gently Lower Them Into The Water With As Little Disturbance As Possible. You May Need To Wait A Few Minutes For The Water To Settle Again After Adding Egg/ Eggs. Then Just Watch....

Eggs Are Judged By Observation With Results As Follows:

1. Sinker= Dud, Never Developed

2. High Floater (like A Fishing Bobber Without Weights) Say 45% Or More Of The Egg Above The Water Line= Dud, No Development Or Fetal Demise, Likely Rupture Of Internal Membranes Causing The Egg To Dehydrate.

3. Low Floater= Viable Egg, Development Full Term

4. Low Floater Rockin And Rollin! This Is The Live Embryo Moving Inside The Egg= Definate Viable Egg!

Once Test Results Complete Take Viable Eggs And Gently Pat Dry And Replace In Hatcher. Duds Are Best Discarded At This Time.

It Should Be Noted All Eggs Warrant Close Inspection Prior To Float Testing--- Any Pips In The Shell? Do Not Float Test! If The Shell Is Broken, Pipped Or Cracked In Any Way Water May Enter And Drown The Chick Inside

This Test Works Off Of Air Cell Development With Embryo Growth. Infertile Eggs Will Have An Underdeveloped Or Absent Air Cell That Isnt Large Enough To Float The Egg....thus The Sinkers.  Ruptured Membranes Will Allow The Egg To Dehydrate.... Thus The High Floater. Proper Development Of The Embryo Will Cause The Air Cell To Develope To The Point Where Viable Eggs Will Float With Approximately 10-15% Of The Egg Above The Water Line--- These Are The Viable Eggs. Obvious Movement Of The Egg Shows Signs Of Life For The Chick Within. Works On All Bird Eggs From Hummingbirds To Ostriches /img/smilies/smile.png

Great info, sure helped me this afternoon.

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