Float testing?


9 Years
Dec 19, 2010
Victoria - Australia!
Sorry for all the 'newbie' questions but I have four eggs left in my bator and although they are due today, i thought i would float test them just to see as i suspect they will go over by a few days. Did this in a nice humid bathroom and the temp and humidity hardly moved, 3 appeared viable, one i could even hear movement in, and the last also appeared viable but i am a bit suspect of it. It had what looked like tiny beads of water on it before i floated it, it floated like the others with about 15% out, and thought maybe the beads of water was humidity (currently 65%) but I also think it has a bit of an odor. If an egg is rotten - would it be blantantly obvious and float right up out of the water? I nearly left this egg out as i dont want an accident in with the other eggs that look fine, but thought i'd better replace it just incase it is okay. Any thoughts?
Okay the egg definitely has something oozing out of it. Would it be safe to say its a dud? It is a brown egg and the shell is quite pourous, but it shouldn't be oozing should it?! Humidity is 65% and holding steady.
Thanks, I shall remove it now. I dont know why it floated like it was viable, maybe it has only just died

I will put it in a plastic bag and then crack it open and see what happened.
OLD EGGS will float, not best to tell if its viable. I only float test to tell how old eggs are, fresh eggs don't float , very old eggs DO

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