Flock And The Dog


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2020
Any tips to make the flock nicer around our herding dog? I know this is a chicken website but I need information because my dog is very friendly and only wants to sniff their butts.
what are they doing to your dog?
They aren’t doing much, but some of the pullets and chicks peck her if she gets too close. They stay away from my dog because they fear she will kill them. We have had an incident with another dog at our household who has killed a chicken, so that may be why the chickens have that behavior.
We have two dogs and both do okay with the chickens, but one likes to sniff bums too. The chickens hate it. If the dog stays more then a few moments they'll get pecked. I thinks it's normal and as long as that's all the conflict between them I'm happy. I never leave them alone together though.
OK, so their behaviour is in keeping with their experience. Over time they will learn that your dog is not a threat, and hopefully she will learn not to get too close for their comfort, and they can all live together peacefully. Time and patience are what's required. :D Good luck!
Thank you :)

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