Flock Integration..Question About Odd Behavior


Aug 9, 2016
Hi everyone! Thanks in advance for your help. We have recently integrated a 3 hen flock with our 4 hen flock and so far so good, the usual reestablishment of pecking order stuff. My question is this:

Of the 3 new girls, the largest of them all who looks very healthy and strong has been sleeping and sunbathing quite a bit during the day, is not eating much, but she is drinking water. Should I be concerned about sickness or is it just stress related from the integration and environment change?

Thanks again!
If you haven't done so already, you may wish to use multiple feed stations. At least you can rule out access to food as being a possible cause if you do this.

Welcome to BYC!

How long since integration?
How old are all birds?

She could be fighting off some 'new to her' 'germs'.
Did you do any biological/medical quarantine?
Too late but:
Considering medical quarantine:
BYC Medical Quarantine Article
Poultry Biosecurity
BYC 'medical quarantine' search

Is it really hot where you are? Sometimes they don't eat as much when it's hot.
Is she fairly active when she's not lounging?
I test activity level by offering a bit of a treat to see how they respond physically.
I'd just keep an eye on her and don't panic.
Admittedly we integrated too soon, only after a few days. But we have a large area for them to free range and so far it hasn't been too bad...no blood baths. But definitely not enough to watch for sickness or new-area biohazards.

The family we got these birds from said she is roughly 8 months old, but she is abig bird and not laying.

She is sleepy and reclusive but not lethargic. She does perk right up when I come up to her, walks with her tail feathers high and nice bright eyes and comb.

One big shock might also be the food. This family did not feed their birds a good grain feed but rather a lot of human food, which might be why she is not laying?

I'll continue to keep an eye on her and give her some quiet space. In hindsight I wish I would have done a slower integration. Since I can't take that back is there any other tips anyone has to help this lady through this process?
Thanks so much!
Moving to a new place is stressful, and that can stop laying.
Was she laying before she came to your place?
Could take a days to weeks before she starts laying again.

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