Flock needs to be rehomed


10 Years
May 29, 2009
I have a flock of 18 chickens, 5 male and 13 female, that needs a new home. I am moving after my divorce and won't be able to take them with me. They range in age from 2 to 8 years old, though most are from 2 to 4 years old.
Breeds are Ameraucana, Easter egger, light Brahma, black australorp and barnyard mix. They are all people friendly and lay cream, brown, green and blue eggs.
I would really like to find them a forever home and would be willing to start you off with donated food and supplies if you can provide them a life as pets.
Please message me with any questions you may have, and thanks for looking!!

Also, I live in Indianapolis, In
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Hi Debbie,

What are your ameraucanas like? Color, disposition, health, and laying rate? I'm looking for some, and my birds get pretty good retirement packages =)

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