Flock size?


I upgraded my coop this year and insisted that my coop needed to be 10x12. My husband argued with me about it and told me the chickens didn't need a palace for themselves. I insisted that that was the required space for the number of birds I had between the different coops. Only after putting the birds in the new coop did I realize I had doubled their space requirements in my head and ended up with a coop that was twice the size I needed for the birds I have. My husband was unimpressed when I told him I may need more birds to help keep the coop warm in the winter.

LOVE your thought process! I think I am going to use this train of thought on my wife. Since the weather has cooled down I need a project so expanding the coop/run sounds like a great idea. Esepcially since I can go to my wife afterwards and tell her that it is much too large for those 100+ birds. Time to get out my chick catalogs!!!!
i started with 5 in late spring this year.
i now have 13, will be picking up 5 chicks this week hopefully, and have 8 fertilized eggs on the way for my broody gal.
chickens are addictive. watch out!

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