Flockin around


Apr 15, 2021
I've been flocking for about 3 years now. Started with 20 increased up to about 35 or 40. Lost almost everyone I started with and have replaced them several times over. I let them free range. So hawks have gone after them. Opposums and or raccoons Jimmie their way in and picked off a few. With each loss I've secured more and more.
Just had 6 turkeys hatched by a broody chicken and who seemed to be a good momma until 4 disappeared. 1 at a time! They have been in the run until mama decided to take a walk and baby followed.
I'm working on building a bigger run with netting for an overhead and a tunnel to connect them from the coop to run 1 into a larger run
No more Free Ranging.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Oh gosh, so sorry for your losses! :hugs Sometimes a run is the only solution, I too can't free range with all the ground and aerial predators. And when I do let them out, it's supervised at all times. Otherwise they stay in a large run.

So glad you decided to join us, make yourself at home here, we saved you a spot on the roost bar!
I've been flocking for about 3 years now. Started with 20 increased up to about 35 or 40. Lost almost everyone I started with and have replaced them several times over. I let them free range. So hawks have gone after them. Opposums and or raccoons Jimmie their way in and picked off a few. With each loss I've secured more and more.
Just had 6 turkeys hatched by a broody chicken and who seemed to be a good momma until 4 disappeared. 1 at a time! They have been in the run until mama decided to take a walk and baby followed.
I'm working on building a bigger run with netting for an overhead and a tunnel to connect them from the coop to run 1 into a larger run
No more Free Ranging.
Welcome to BYC!

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