

Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
How are the BYC members in these states? and any others in this area with the flooding? Is everyone OK?

Many counties in Wisconsin have been declared disaster areas so that aid can be available to help the people. In one town, Lake Delton, the water took 3 houses with it and tore 2 more apart. The lake overflowed and damaged a highway embankment that separated it from the Wisconsin river, which sucked the water out of the lake along with the houses. Many areas below damns have been evacuated; although some of the evacuations have been lifted for now, there is rain in the forecast with another torrential rainfall expected. Evacuation decrees are expected again within the next few days.

I have heard Iowa and Illinois are in the same "boat". This happened last summer too.

So how is everyone in these areas? Has anyone had too evacuate?

We have been lucky, in my area the rainfall has been relatively light compared to most areas.

I am just really wondering how people are doing. I have heard little. There was one thread I saw yesterday about some people in Illinois but I can not find that again.
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Hi tiki244,

It's wet where I'm at and we can't get into the fields but, we don't have the major flooding they have a little ways to the south.

I sure hope the weather people are wrong about the rain coming. We don't need anymore for now!
I'm here near the Mississippi and the folks that are closer than me are having major flooding in their fields. I don't have much here at the house as far as standing water. I know the corn/beans were late getting put in because of the ground being too wet. I think further south of me is worse. Thanx for asking!!!
The little town we get our mail from had to evacuate some people and a couple of the highways have had sections that we use closed, along with some side roads. It's been bad. Our basement had water pouring in through the window wells. Water was pouring off the edges of the gutters, as it was just too much, too fast. The pictures of Lake Delton were really something, with boats laying tilted on the mud bottom. Some of them were good sized boats, too. It's really been bad, like nothing I can remember.

Gee, and we were so glad when winter was over, after getting over 100" of snow! I wonder when the locusts will be arriving???
I don't know about locusts but, our neighbor saw a paraket the other day! I don't know if one got loose or blew up. I guess they have some around the Chicago area that are wild.
My town is expecting to break the 1993 record. But we will be ok. We don't live in the town we live out in the county and if our place is so high up the hill it won't flood at all. I didn't live here in 1993 but I know what the floods were like in the Parkville and Riverside Missouri area in 1993. The grocery store workers were freaking out last night when we went down there that the grocery store is going to flood on Thursday when it crests. The Tyson plant here is shutting down until next week is what I have overheard due to the flooding. And my poor father had to drive a long ways to work this morning as the normal route was closed and he had to bypass all the flooded routes. Both the Ceder and Iowa Rivers are flooding. Iowa City is in for some major flooding also. That's about 30 min. from us and the Corallville dam is running over for only the 2nd time in 50 years. This weather is crazy! They are calling for rain as the rivers are cresting which will just make the water even higher for all the people who are having to deal with the flood. Our horse pasture may flood for awhile but it does that every time we get a heavy downpour and it's only the lowest part of it that floods. The rest of it is up hill.
I hope you are OK this upcoming round through----the sky looks ominouse right now here

Thats pretty funny! Dont say that too loud!

hdchic do you think we are going to get to have a late summer so we can finish growing our plants?

Mukwanegoo darn is threatening to break now, evacuation emminent...I just heard ,,,,,30 counties are in a state of emergency in Wisconsin. Almost the whole state has a flash flood warning now.

FarmerKitty, hdchic, ChickenRanchWife I am glad to hear you are all ok.

farmgirlie1031 and d.c. thanks for checking in and hope you too are ok.

farmgirlie1031 when you mentioned Tyson I thought of the chicken "farms",; do you know if they are flooding?

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