Floor and nesting box


8 Years
Apr 18, 2011
So, my floor is chicken wire with wood chip on top. It's hard to clean this due to the wire interfering with the rake! Whoops. Any suggestions for a better floor? Also, do they have to have a nesting box? They sleep upstairs. Will they lay where they sleep? They should start laying in a month or so. I'm a rookie, obviously.
Thanks for reading.
Ok first the floor. Ply wood would be better. Though you don't say where you live. Wire flooring might work in a warm area and in a "tractor" , but not a permanent structure.

Yes you need nest boxes or they will lay the eggs on the floor and then you will have an egg eating problem. Not to mention what eggs you do get will be poopy. Unless you don't intend to eat the eggs and just let the chickens have them. Then it doesn't matter.

Chickens need a roost , because they unload at night when they sleep and you will not only have poopy eggs but poopy chickens. Unless you don't mind poopy eggs and chickens.

Unload? What does that mean?
I am a new mom to 6 baby silkies, and I am told that they do NOT always roost! What do I need to do?
Unload? What does that mean?
I am a new mom to 6 baby silkies, and I am told that they do NOT always roost! What do I need to do?

He means poo. They poo at night a great deal.

I bet yall just love us newbies! Sorry..
He means poo. They poo at night a great deal.

I bet yall just love us newbies! Sorry..

Yes we do love newbies. We need new ears to listen to us rattle on.

Make sure you don't walk under them when it's night time or you'll need a shower.

Wish you the best

Hi There,
I am very new at raising laying hens as well. We will be turning a small playhouse into a coop tomorrow. I bought 1/2 inch hardware cloth to tack down on the floor and then a piece of linolium to go over that. Hopefully it will be easy to clean.

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