Flooring cover for predator proof run


Apr 24, 2017
East Tennessee
I am having a coop/tractor built. I do not intend to move it very much, if at all. The run is completely enclosed with hardware cloth, including the floor. What is a good option for flooring to cover the hardware cloth? Most of the run is covered by the coop. They will be using this run while I am at work, and will have a larger run to use when I am home.
I guess I should have thought this through a little better. I was thinking the hardware cloth would be the same as if I were burying it on a normal run to keep predators from digging under. Raising them in a cage sounds horrible. That part of the run will be resting on the ground. I understand that a tractor is supposed to be moved, but the one I am getting is so heavy, I could not move it by myself if I wanted to.
Putting the wire on the ground so they can't dig/scratch to turn the soil and the droppings don't have anywhere to go seems like a bad idea.

I have my uber-secure outdoor brooder set up as a cage. I have to put in a big tray full of dirt so they get soil exposure and have a dust bath but that's the trade-off for keeping everything out. They only live there for about 10-12 weeks and then that coop sits empty for a year or two between batches. This is helpful since the litter that they manage to kick out the door and their droppings build up in the space between wire and soil (it's only about 3").

I think you'll need to put yours on wheels and then move it periodically.
I agree with debid, put some wheels on one end and longish arms on the other so you can move it like a 2 wheel, wheelbarrow. The larger the wheels the better for heavy tractors.
I picked it up today. It does have the wheels and handles. I am going to figure a way to create a door on one end and connect it to a walkway that connects to a 10x10 covered run. I can shut the tractor door and move to clean under it. I have made a dust bath box for them. I've got to work out the kinks, but I think it will work.

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