Floppy comb


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 3, 2014
Solihull Birmingham
Feel free to moan if I'm appearing thick
Although we've had 4 ex batteries for 3 years I've only recently took over their care - son got them then got a bit bored with them and his job took over his life!! Hubby took over then but didn't really want to and it showed grrrrrrr
Anyways the last 8 months they've been my flock and I've tried to research as I go
I don't know how old the 4 ex batts are - my last 2 additions are 22 weeks now
One of the ex batts (Sadie) has a floppy comb the other are bright red and very turgid - Sadie's is a deeper red almost claret and quite floppy with white speckles on
She seems in good health - out and about trashing the garden with the others goes mad for the veg and fruit I put out along with the others I've seen her drinking and eating their pellets
I just wondered if it was an age thing cos she looks older in her face than the other 3 batts
Also just might be interesting when we had 4 we only ever got 3 eggs a day now I've her 2 new ones we're getting 5 so IMO the new 2 are laying and one of the batts isn't
And I'm reading on they threads about hens laying more than once a day what am I doing wrong to only get 1 off each?
Some breeds have floppy combs in the hens (Leghorns, for example). Other breeds - you may see a floppy comb in just one individual but not the others- and it is OK- they have more comb and it flops.

As long as the comb color is good- not pale or purple- or blackened etc.- it is just fine.

During molt combs may shrivel and become pale but that is OK- should be just temporary.

Mites/lice/worms can make combs turn bad colors, as can other illnesses.
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That's brilliant thank you - I'll check the white bits aren't mites and keep a close eye on it - she's seems in good health and after I wrote the post I was out there cleaning them and watched her till she pooped and that seems the same as the others poops - hubby ( Bri) thinks I'm nuts following her round till she pooped and then comparing it to the others but as I said he's not keen on them and only involves himself when I nag ( I'm good at nagging :D )
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That's brilliant thank you - I'll check the white bits aren't mites and keep a close eye on it - she's seems in good health and after I wrote the post I was out there cleaning them and watched her till she pooped and that seems the same as the others poops - hubby ( Bri) thinks I'm nuts following her round till she pooped and then comparing it to the others but as I said he's not keen on them and only involves himself when I nag ( I'm good at nagging
LOL following her around until she pooped

It is funny and you know what? Most of us here have gone on poop patrol on many an occasion when we are suspicious about a chickens health!

As far as chickens laying more then one egg a day? It can happen, I've had it happen, once, in many years of chicken keeping but it's certainly not the norm. If you are getting an egg a day from these girls that is excellent. Many older hens cut back to every second or third day, or less! Although I have a couple 5 year old birds, one lays every day, the other every other day. Just depends on the bird, it's health and nutrition.
Think if they did lay more I'd be over run - I don't eat eggs or chicken since I went to a battery farm !!!!!!! :( Everyone else in the house does
I was just wondering if I was messing up some where because they only have "bog standard" layers pellets and scraps from prepping veg mash potatoes/peelings (cooked) bread fruit and whatever veg item is on the discount shelf at the supermarket and what ever they dug up in what's left of the garden ( they ate no.2 sons raspberry bushes oooppppssss) they never have anything fishy or been in touch with meat
So I wondered if I'd missed something

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