Cmom, here are my little ones. 17 out of 18 that went into lockdown hatched. I candled the last one and it developed, but I don't see any movement. I put him back in the incubator just in case.

It may or may not hatch and you may or may not see any movement. I have had some that I wasn't sure about hatch a few days later. I usually leave the eggs in the incubator at least day 25 but have left some in up to day 28. I had one that was very late so I decided to open the shell. It was alive but didn't live long so that was my lesson and I haven't done that again.
Got the kids out of the house this weekend. They got moved out to the new Big House Saturday. Yesterday I let them out in the run for a little while and they really seemed to enjoy it. One grabbed a dead leaf and had a good rugby match going for a while. At night they get shut in a 4x8x2 box that contains what will be their nest boxes eventually. I have a heat lamp there for them as here in N FL the night time temps are in the 40's right now. Still have to finish putting chicken wire roof on run and work on predator proofing the outside.
Good morning, all! I have a CCLB roo..coming on two years, who just got moved from Head Honcho to bottom of pecking order. Nice boy, will quietly take treats out of my hand. I need to re-home him before he gets beaten up any more or killed. Add some color to his babies eggs. Greenfire breeding. I am in NW Ocala. Vaccinated against Mareks.
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Good morning, all! I have a CCLB roo..coming on two years, who just got moved from Head Honcho to bottom of pecking order. Nice boy, will quietly take treats out of my hand. I need to re-home him before he gets beaten up any more or killed. Add some color to his babies eggs. Greenfire breeding. I am in NW Ocala. Vaccinated against Mareks.
Sending you a PM
Hi everyone,

quick question: when do hens become broody? i have a few hens that are about 13 months now, laying lots of eggs but no one sits on any eggs.will they eventually become broody, or did i just get all none broody hens? 3 buff orps,2 white hens idk what breed a barred rock and 2 black sex links are the breeds

Thanks John
Spring usually. The buffs will be the first to start and the last to shake it off.

Keep an eye on the broody buffs. They will starve themselves. Be sure to pick them up and take them outside for food and water, or they won't budge on their own. The eggs will handle a short respite.
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Hi everyone,

quick question: when do hens become broody? i have a few hens that are about 13 months now, laying lots of eggs but no one sits on any eggs.will they eventually become broody, or did i just get all none broody hens? 3 buff orps,2 white hens idk what breed a barred rock and 2 black sex links are the breeds

Thanks John

I agree, the spring and early summer is when the birds go broody usually and some breeds such as BO's tend to be more broody than others. If a gal gets in a nest box and stays in it she is usually broody. I made a brooder for my broody to hatch in. Some times I have moved a broody to the brooder and she quit after I moved her and some keep on being broody.


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