We used to sell vegetables that we grow by putting the signs down on a sign post we have next to the road, but now it's getting hard. My husband has Parkinson's so we are just growing stuff for ourselves. We freeze and can because it's too hot to grow stuff in the summer so we stock up the freezer and pantry.
We have a show coming up next month.

Central Florida Poultry Breeders Association Show, Inverness, FL.
Orange Blossum Special

Saturday [COLOR=FF0000]March 5th, 2016[/COLOR]

9:00 AM TO around 4:00 PM

Citrus County Fairgrounds

3600 South Florida Ave.

Inverness, Florida
---> MAP

(U.S. Highway 41 South - 1.5 miles south of the intersection of U.S. highways 44 & 41)

Wow cool , i think inverness is a few hours from me ill map it
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We used to sell vegetables that we grow by putting the signs down on a sign post we have next to the road, but now it's getting hard. My husband has Parkinson's so we are just growing stuff for ourselves. We freeze and can because it's too hot to grow stuff in the summer so we stock up the freezer and pantry.
It is hard to grow vegetables in our heat. I love hot peppers..... the trouble is so do my chickens, they eat all the leaves off the plants. I put up pepper jelly, pickled peppers, relish and jams/jellies. Love to make chutney's and chow chow. I freeze a lot.

I too will be interested in some RIR when you decide you are ready. Love all of your posts..... as you can see I study them very closely.
Yesterday I read all the posts for the LG incubator. Getting ready to try my first batch of eggs. There is a lot of good advice from you there too! Thank you!
I learned the hard way and had a lot of failures but didn't give up. In my opinion if anyone can hatch in a LG they can hatch in anything. Now I use my styrofoam incubators as hatchers. Several years ago I bought a cabinet incubator. Now I incubate in the cabinet but hatch in the styrofoams. I started out by borrowing a friends styrofoam then bought one. The fever hit and then I bought another styrofoam then another and so on and finally bought a cabinet. I do staggered hatches. It makes me feel good when I can help others. Good luck and have fun...
Incubating Pheasant eggs and some chicken eggs here.

Here just chicken eggs

I hatch in the styrofoams. This way I can separate and keep track of whose eggs I'm hatching.
I have had birds like that also. I have a blind cockerel. Often I would have to put him into his coop at night.MOst of the time he finds his way into his coop but once in awhile I have to put him in.  At first he didn't mind me picking him up but then after awhile he wouldn't like it but now again he knows I'm going to do it and just stands there and waits for me to pick him up. He is 7 months old and just started crowing. For awhile I didn't even know if he knew he was a boy. I put him in a coop with some pullets. There were some other males in with him but they would chest bump him and freak him out. Good luck to you son and his shows. I'm an old lady but still love showing my birds. Have fun...

We are definitely having fun lol. He loves his birds. You are never to old to show. My dad is going to start taking his birds to open shows with my son. :)

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