Your chickies are adorable! I'd love to have some silkies one day.

Yes... that's Gizzi in my pfp. She's actually lounging in my lap at this very moment. She's been with me almost ten years and I absolutely adore her, but I would not recommend them as pets in general.
Want one?
oh. My. God. She’s adorable. There’s one little bugger always going up to my screen porch door looking at my babies…. My friend has long chased him for like 6 weeks alreaud
Want one?
oh. My. God. She’s adorable. There’s one little bugger always going up to my screen porch door looking at my babies…. My friend has long chased him for like 6 weeks alreaud
I wish I could!
I have a closed MD+ flock. Just pampering my 6 gals and hoping for the best.
Don't trust those eyes! They are unbelievably smart, and they WILL take what they can get.
I like to think of the wild ones like sketchy little food junkies always looking for an easy fix. Just don't be a "dealer", and you're good, lol.
FLORIDA PEOPLE I have a question…

im going to be selling chicks and I was thinking Craigslist but is it safe? For strangers to come to my house? Even though my friend will be there (he’s 6’5 so that’s a little scary) and how was your Craigslist experience? Where else can I post them for sale?

thanks and miss the nice weather from yesterday 🤣

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