The way I look at any time you can find a roo that's tame, they are worth their weight in gold. Believe me, I've had my share of mean ones. A certain RIR comes to mind and both sons that looked just like him. I got rid of all his son's. The hens were just fine. I still have a few of them.
Does anyone in the St. Petersburg area have or know anyone that has hens that are laying they want to sell? I have a friend who is new to chickens and has all pullets. They are getting excited to get eggs.

Thank you

i posted this in the duck section but if anyone here could help out i would be very greatful

There is a local pond by were I live in melbourne, fl where people dump demestic ducks. Me and my girlfriend go there as often as we can to check on the ducks and patch up any that need patching up. One of the ducks is an older drake pekin. He is extremely friendly which makes me think he was dropped off at an older age. He is slightly pidgeon toed which over the years has given him some arthritus so he limps. His feathers are ragged.

We help him out as much as we can but he really needs a good perminate home. He is not agressive at all towards other ducks and his breeding days are over so he won't hassle your girls. He just needs a good place to retire. If you could help out please let me know.
I know this is an odd question but does anyone on here raise dumbo rats or other pet type of rat? I had to euthanize my daughters hamster last week and I love rats so I was wanting to get a pair of babies for them. Let me know please :)

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