I am going to send her a message, thank you. I actually think I may have talked to her through CL about hatching eggs in like September, the type of birds she has sounds familiar, I just never worked out a good time to meet with her. I will give it a try.
My broody is on maybe day 5... If I where to pick up eggs after Christmas, would she still be happy with them?

I have had broody's sit on nests for up to around 2 weeks before I gave them some eggs, and they still hatched out the chicks. If your broody won't stay out of the nest box she will probably set. I have had some that as soon as I gave them eggs they would either not sit on them or sit on 1 or 2 eggs but not the rest. Most of the time they brood. I do have a brooder and a pen for my broody's.

Awwww! That is a good set up for them. If I do get eggs, and she does sit on them (she spends all day on the eggs, and only has gotten up every other day to feed and run around for a bit) then I am going to have to rearrange my other two chickens that sleep in the coop that her nesting box is in. I guess I should get moving and build the coops I have been planning on!
I'm am sooooo new to raising chickens that I don't have a coop or chickens yet. I live in the Keys and am wondering which would be the best breed for my location and high egg production.
I'm am sooooo new to raising chickens that I don't have a coop or chickens yet. I live in the Keys and am wondering which would be the best breed for my location and high egg production.
I would say Australops. They will do well in hot climates and are great layers. Nice tempered too. Most of the hatchery Aussies are pretty decent, Cackle and Privet birds are particulary nice for hatchery birds I hear...
I'm am sooooo new to raising chickens that I don't have a coop or chickens yet. I live in the Keys and am wondering which would be the best breed for my location and high egg production.
Seems like key west chickens would be easy for you to get and raise. They are already adapted to the environment there. I got mine from a rescue that got theirs from the key west wildlife center. They lay small white eggs but they lay them just about every day of the year just about as much as our leghorns. A flock of 6 hens could easily keep a family of 4 in eggs. The only thing is you would have to make sure you pick up the eggs every single day because they will go broody and even try to hide them if you don't LOL! I love my key wests they will hatch any eggs you give them so you won't even need an incubator unless you want one. My 3rd and 4th generations are very tame now. The first ones were super wild still but even those original hens have calmed down a little.
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I'm am sooooo new to raising chickens that I don't have a coop or chickens yet. I live in the Keys and am wondering which would be the best breed for my location and high egg production.
Frankly, pretty much any bird will do fine here. Your biggest concern would be building a coop with great ventilation for the summer time--preferably in the shade.

AND: include the chickens in your hurricane evacuation plan.
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I am in east Central FL near Port Orange. We have a facebook group Chicken Enthusiasts in and around Volusia County. I started with chickens that a friend gave us a couple years ago but I didn't really get addicted til last spring when we ordered a dozen chicks from My Pet Chicken. I started learning about all the different breeds and quickly became fascinated. I especially like Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers. I have a friend who is even more addictied than I am and purchased a huge incubator. She has been hatching eggs for me so I have lots of chicks. I also had a banty go broody and she hatched some chicks too. I recently drove all the way ot Alachua to get a blue/wheaten Ameraucana rooster and two BLRW hens from Cpartist. It was an almost 6 hour round trip for me. Yeah, I think I am addicted.

Yes I am pretty loco I mean local. Lol. My husband just finished my coop last Sunday and Monday a person in Middleburg gave me 5 laying hens 4 of them black australorps with feathered feet a white and brown w feathered feet another person gave me 2 silver lace wyandottes, 1 gold laced Wyandotte, another black australorp, and yet another person gave me a big beautiful serama rooster. I have 18 eggs in and incubator and have ordered 20 silkie eggs for next month. Clearly addicted already. Got to get hubby to start on the silkie and baby chick pen.

My broody banty with chicks. Mama hen was hatched last spring from an egg gathered from feral bantys that live at Sopotnicks Cabbage Patch Bar (famous Daytona biker bar). When I noticed she was broody I stuck some other eggs under her. She hatched 3 healthy chicks, two of the other eggs broke and I tried to save the chicks but they died. I also introduced 3 other chicks to her that my friend incubated for me and she happily adopted them. This has been a great learning experiance for me and they are so much fun to watch.

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