Sorry for your loss I also have 2 brothers of the ones you got from Juie Akers, Ill see what happens with mine and let you know......

Thanks! For some reason the females are not affected at all, which is another reason I'm inclined to think it's genetic in the males. If it was a disease they all would have shown the symptoms.
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Thanks! For some reason the females are not affected at all, which is another reason I'm inclined to think it's genetic in the males. If it was a disease they all would have shown the symptoms.
no problem i actually have 3 roos and 2 pullets so i shall see what happens.....

We lost our last Rooster tonight. He died almost to the day when he reached the age of the other one when it also died. (7 months-1 week)
Therefore, I'm guessing it was something genetic (they were brothers hatched at different times). We're sad cause we raised him from almost birth and he was a real nice guy.

We have some of his sired eggs in the incubator right now, but we don't know if they are fertile or not, so his legacy might live on... although we might cull any males because of the genetic thing.

If anyone knows where I can buy a young adult Wheaten Marans Roo let me know.

I will have some wheaten marans roos in a little while, they are 2 months right now, and mixed up with the BTB's so i need to wait a little while to sort the roosters out.. or you could try www.thefancychicken.com

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