Nava, your's will have no competition!

Brookhavens, I live in Spring Hill, but the Pasco side. I have an acre with 34 chickens, including 6 roos I'm not supposed to have. I had 8 but 2 brothers were absolute non stop screech in your ear. Now they live at the stable I keep my horse at. The other ones are pretty good.

From what I understand the ruling will be for residential areas. I thought I had bookmarked the link to the article but can't find it.

Found it: Hernando County Chickens
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Stan could not resist, he came all the way down to Inverness to see my BEAUTIFUL NNs, he said he had to hold him too.


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Nava, I was there for the judging of spash english Orps, I believe you had 1 of three? And that one was 2nd place? If that was yours I would have given him a perfect ten--1st place. Those were the most striking colors I've seen!
Pleeze!!!!! It just never ends! I so fell in love with 2 Sebastopol geese (sp). I'm hooked!
i dont know where you are located and not sure if you are up to spending that much money but there is a lady in Inverness selling I believe she has 6 of them 1 boy and the rest are girls! I went to her to get Marans chicks and the geese are really pretty I believe she is asking $250 for all 6 and all are 1 year old and at breeding age, also laying! pm me if you want her number
i dont know where you are located and not sure if you are up to spending that much money but there is a lady in Inverness selling I believe she has 6 of them 1 boy and the rest are girls! I went to her to get Marans chicks and the geese are really pretty I believe she is asking $250 for all 6 and all are 1 year old and at breeding age, also laying! pm me if you want her number
Those were her geese at the show.
Hey Seminole if you really want some Sebs maybe I can hatch a couple for you, I got some eggs under a broody and more eggs are building up in the Sebs nest, hopefully one of the girls goes broody

Yea my Orps did not do do good this time, but it's ok I'm in love with them

Also I got a pair of dark Cornish a week ago, hopefully next year ill have done good birds to take to Inverness

Stan, yes I should be ashamed of my self your right, I should have let you have that nice black rooster I'm sorry, but next time I see you ill let you have it.

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