I have actually bathed chickens before, just not for a show.  I watched videos, and read a couple websites on how to bathe them for a show.  Got my cockerel in the tote with the soapy water, he laid down, and relaxed.  I proceeded to bathe him.  He seemed to really like it.  By the time I got to the part that I was washing his comb, and wattles, he was so totally relaxed.  I moved down to his legs, he was still laying down in the water, and while I was cleaning on his legs, and feet, he fell asleep, his head fell forward into the water, and he got a snoot full of water.  By then, I had my hand under his head.  He didn't go down as far as his eyeballs, but almost.  He remained calm, so I proceed.  He did the same thing again, but this time I was quicker to get my hand under his head, and I kept it there the rest of his bath.  I put him in the vinegar rinse, then the plain rinse water.  He was so relaxed he would have fallen asleep again in the rinse, if I had let him.  NOT EVEN ONE of the videos, or webpages warned about this.  I wrapped him in a towel, and when it was wet, exchanged it for a dry one.  He was perfectly fine with me holding him in his towel.  I am not hearing any wheezing, labored breathing, or gurgles when he breathes, so I guess he's ok. 

Yes you do have to watch for them to try an inadvertently drown themselves. :)


Then I used the warm air on the A/c to do the blow drying. My little bowling ball loved that part too!
A cockerel I hatched and raised just won a Champion at the Lake City, FL poultry show.

I wanted to enter a Rose Comb RIR cockerel but didn't. Maybe next year.

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