Thanks for sharing your experience with them, nice to know there's a good place to pick up birds other than the feed stores.

Our 1st experience with buying chicks came from a lead we got off Craigs List and it was not good. After 4 of the 7 died within 2 weeks, I thought about getting some from our local hardware/feed store but no one there could answer any of the questions I asked (1 guy even tried to tell me I HAD to have a rooster to get eggs). Those poor chicks also had severe cases of pasty butt and when I mentioned that, another clerk just shrugged her shoulders and told me that wasn't a big deal, they all had it (and that was true, they were horribly dirty but no one cared).

So to get our 2nd batch of chicks we went through Murray McMurray like you did. Overall, we've been pleased with our girls but I would still like the experience of seeing them in person and choosing the ones I want.

I'll keep DD Chickens and Hatchery in mind the next time we're on the lookout for chicks. Thank you so much!

See, we had a poor experience with our first shipment from McMurray. The ones we just got are actually replacements. We ordered 45 the first time, and 11 DOA and 32 of them died within 48 hours, and another 3 died within a week. We found DD and decided to get most of our birds from him, so we just asked to be replaced with 15 SR Columbian Wyandottes and refunded the rest. This time we only lost the extra chick, but I'm not going to order from them again.

Anyways, good luck getting more chooks! After all, what's one more? haha!
I live in Sarasota and was wondering if it's safe to keep my chicks in the garage. I know you need a heat lamp but I just don't want it to be too hot for them.
Ours are in the garage, both 8 week olds and few day olds. The few day olds have a light available, but they aren't really interested in it. We'll probably turn it off during the day within a week. It's more than warm enough in there between all of them plus our 5 goats even for 1 week olds.
Awesome thanks, I am looking for hatcheries in the Sarasota area, do you know of any? Have not purchased the chicks yet, just doing research.
Hey MEaghan - Any chance you want to sell a couple muscovy ducklings? I've got 4 welshes and i'd love some hinny's also willing to trade 2 of them are less than a week old. ;-)
Hey MEaghan - Any chance you want to sell a couple muscovy ducklings? I've got 4 welshes and i'd love some hinny's also willing to trade 2 of them are less than a week old. ;-)

We don't yet have our muscovies, they are supposed to hatch today I believe, so they should be here by Saturday at the latest. I'd love some Welshes, but I think for this first set we are going to raise all of them. We should have some for sell or trade in a few months though. :)
Well my ole lady has decided she want to get rid of our 3 australorp hens. They are almost 4 months. They are good birds they just dont do good around our babies. We got rid of their rooster and now all the do is bother our chicks. They do fine with my big girls just not the babies. We are looking to trade or something for them. Americaunas or Marans are what we are looking for but we are pretty much open to any breed as long as my lady want them. If your interested let me know. We like turkeys too haha

These are the girls

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