Quote: Gasp!
Everyone who lives here has been- are going- or have relatives- or something -someplace else.
Sit down and visit.

I kind of want to join some other threads myself.
shhh. I can spy on my BYC friends that way.
Clever! (For some reason, your feeder image and the rest of your post didn't come over but hope you know what I'm talking about.)

I wonder if you couldn't sell team-themed feeders at a swap meet? May be a chance to make a little cash (to buy more chickens of course).
Hmm i'm not sure what's wrong with the picture thingie.... I'll try again:

I'll post the other feeder I'm working on when it's finished.

someone messaged me asking if it was adjustable, yes it is! The canister is attached by a threaded rod and it can be lowered or raised to adjust flow of feed into the bottom tray.
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Phew! Got all of the wood for our new run painted white today. Also got the girls temporary nest box built so that they will be out of the garage! So much less mess.

Hopefully we will have it fully assembled Monday, tomorrow I have a final to take for one of my Master's classes.
Quote: Gasp!
Everyone who lives here has been- are going- or have relatives- or something -someplace else.
Sit down and visit.

I kind of want to join some other threads myself.
shhh. I can spy on my BYC friends that way.

I have friends in other states and I go to their threads once in awhile.
I have a black, white headed polish roo that is about 3 months. He is free of anyone wants him. He doesn't have all of his bigboy feathers . He is very nice and we handle him everyday.

Here is one pic of him. I will try to get more tomorrow.
He found a new home today. Thanks everyone.
Jonathan is great to work with. Birds are very nice too.
I do like the attention he pays to what the weather is doing. Live chicks are alot better than just getting a delivery. I am excited to get them but also realize how busy they probably are right now. In all honesty I can't say patience is one of my strong virtues.

Right now I have a buff orp that is intent on hatching some eggs but the poor girl doesn't realize I have no roo! My intent is to sneak some of the ameraucanas I get from Jonathan under her. I hope she can hold out until I get them. None of the family when checking the chickens has seen her out of the nest. I put a small bowl with her and put food in it so at least she will eat. She is very insistent to hatch those eggs so much so that her comb is getting pale probably from not leaving the nest to eat and drink.

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