Either put some eggs you want to hatch under her or let her sit on golf balls. Keep taking her off the nest. Most will sit until the eggs have hatched and get off once a day for a little bit to take care of business and sometimes they will sit for most of the time then give up. I have in the past taken the eggs and then put them in an incubator finish the incubation and then hatch them. I have a girl right now that is not a happy hen. Every day I take her out of a nest box and she will sit on the floor and pout.
took a drive to Ocala
If you are ever in our area stop in and say Hi.
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Anyone need any Brahma chicks? I have Gold Laced, Blue Birchen & Blue Partridge. All purebred from excellent lines. These are NOT hatchery stock. They are 2+ weeks old & are $15+. Pick up welcome & I can also ship at an extra cost. I'm a little North of Daytona & South of St Augustine. PM me if interested. Thanks!! :)

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8 more chicks added today. 25 total chickens in 5 age groups. Once the next group start laying in the next 4 weeks, at least 6 will have to go. Kids will be heartbroken.
New to BYC, although I have been stalking off and on for a couple years.

Getting re-established in Jupiter, Palm Beach.
Focusing mainly on quail, and maybe ducks...other parcel may get some chickens as well, depending on the neighbors.

Thanks for all yall's insight and sharing!
Take her out of the nest box. I have a few broody's right now too and every day when I go out to collect eggs I take them out of the nest boxes and they usually go right back in and every day it's the same routine. Don't worry you may break her for this year but when she is ready to be broody again she will. Several years a go I let one of the girls hatch and brood some chicks. I had to go out every day and take the broody off of the nest because she wouldn't get off so every day I took her off for around 15 to 20 minutes, she wasn't happy about it, but she would eat, drink and poop. As soon as I unblocked her nest she was back in it is a second. She hatched out every egg that was under her. Don't worry be happy, good luck and have fun.
I put the box back up and she and her sister hopped in and both laid eggs - the broody one - Martha - stayed. So i am doing what you suggested and taking box down in the morning so she will eat and drink and poo and then putting it back up. I feed and water her by hand at night.
Anyone in the North Central Florida area (Ocala, Dunnellon, Gainesville, etc) area interested in trading some hatching eggs? I would be interested in my same breeds. Or in new breeds that are LF. If new breds anything but silkies, or naked necks.

I have Legbars, LF and Bantam Dark Cornish, Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock, BBS mottled bantam Cochin, and a flock of Easter Eggers/bared Rock/light Sussex/ Olive Eggers etc all covered by an Easter Eggers roo and Legbar roo to make colored egg layers.

We are NPIP. We can trade shipped eggs, but would rather meet to save USPS rough handling.

Pictures of our birds below: Some have been shown at SEYF and APA in Inverness. I can send better photos via text or email. BYC is a little tricky to upload to....









Thanks for looking. I was just interested in bringing in new bloodlines to my exhisting pure bred birds, and adding diversity to my colorful laying flock.
I cannot rodent proof.  I keep trying, though.  
My broody hen got off the nest today - I took her out of the box and took the box out of the coop and she picked right up with the other chickens like nothing happened.  Then, tonight, she was on a crate in the inside coop looking where her box belonged.  So, I put it back, she hopped back in.  I took an egg that was layed today by another hen and put it under her . . . I also noticed today that yes, the Rooster is "active" so my eggs are fertile.  Right?  

I hope the baby opossum made it back out!  They usually hang on to Mom at that age, literally.  
That's what I was saying to my husband. I think he fell off and just took cover where he found some first. Was probably in there shortly after or just before the chooks headed in for the night.

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