Then I just may toss all 9 eggs, remove the nesting boxes and they can lay their eggs somewhere else because the stress is unbelievable. I don't even know what I would do with all the "chicks" if any even hatched.

On another note, my favorite, Sheba, is not right. I held her and hand fed her water tonight, she has been laying fine, I actually thought she was on an egg because she was not on her perch but on the floor of the inside coop and looked broody. I picked her up to get rid of the egg and there was no egg. I put her in my lap, her eyes do not look right but it is late at night. Gave her water, checked her from stem to stern, cannot find any obvious reason for her lethargy, unless it is just the heat. We had a storm which did cool it off some. I do not know what went on today. The dominant hen, a real terror named Mary, may have run Sheba ragged, I just do not know. : ( I have Sheba locked in the inside coop with nesting Martha, the fan is running and I put the little chick waterer right in front of her so she can get all of the water she may need. She was drinking out of it when I turned off the barn light. Sheba always talks, sits in my lap, loves being the baby. The others have no use for me. Say a prayer for Sheba if you are on line tonight and see this. Thank you.
Replying to myself - is that the same as talking to yourself? ; ) Ok, Sheba is perfect. I have no idea what last night was all about. She couldn't even walk, this morning up and acting as if nothing happened. I kept her away from the other chickens today, just to be on the safe side.
Hey y'all, this spring was the first time we bought chicks so we are still figuring everything out! So this morning around 6:15 I could hear one of them crowing like a rooster or trying very hard to lol does this mean we have a rooster? Lol I've read some hens will crow our silkie/polish is around 4 months old and the other two are about 3 months old
Hey y'all, this spring was the first time we bought chicks so we are still figuring everything out! So this morning around 6:15 I could hear one of them crowing like a rooster or trying very hard to lol does this mean we have a rooster? Lol I've read some hens will crow our silkie/polish is around 4 months old and the other two are about 3 months old
I have heard that hens can sometimes crow but . . . you probably have a rooster. I do not think 3 months old is too young for him to start trying to crow, but again, I don't know a heck of a lot. My rooster started crowing a few months back, and he is now about 7 months old. My hens started laying at 6 months old, and I had reviewed the breed and they were not supposed to start laying until a year old! Go figure. My rooster also crows at 2:00 in the morning, I usually get up to go make sure everything is ok. When we had hurricanes back 10 years ago, I brought all of my chickens into the house - in animal crates, and the rooster would crow all night long . . .
Hey y'all, this spring was the first time we bought chicks so we are still figuring everything out! So this morning around 6:15 I could hear one of them crowing like a rooster or trying very hard to lol does this mean we have a rooster? Lol I've read some hens will crow our silkie/polish is around 4 months old and the other two are about 3 months old
My Orpington crowed at 4-5 weeks but I had two chicks that crowed around 16 weeks but made weird noises from about 10 weeks. Everyone swore they were hens. I re homed them so I don't know for sure.
Hey y'all, this spring was the first time we bought chicks so we are still figuring everything out! So this morning around 6:15 I could hear one of them crowing like a rooster or trying very hard to lol does this mean we have a rooster? Lol I've read some hens will crow our silkie/polish is around 4 months old and the other two are about 3 months old

It's quite possible you heard a crow. Usually while they are learning to crow they may sound a bit strange until they get it right with a bit of practice..
Hey y'all, this spring was the first time we bought chicks so we are still figuring everything out! So this morning around 6:15 I could hear one of them crowing like a rooster or trying very hard to lol does this mean we have a rooster? Lol I've read some hens will crow our silkie/polish is around 4 months old and the other two are about 3 months old
Putting in my 2 cents: Marilyn, our buff orpington and Norma, our light sussex started looking cockerel-ish so I posted their pics here and sure enough, just about everyone said, cockerel. About I dunno, lets say 2/3 weeks later Marilyn got renamed Marlin. Set yourself down and I'll tell ya how it went
Once upon a time I was sound asleep when I was rudely awakened by the musical styling of a young cockerel at 0 dark 30. Jumping out of bed, I ran my PJed carcass out to the mini barn to fetch my early morning serenader and brought him in. Each pacing step I took as I roamed the house with him was accompanied with whispered pleas of " please stop please stop." Each 3rd or 5th step accompanied with an ever increasing annoying CA CA CAAAAACA EHHHHHhghhhr. My sleepy eyed kids circled and complained..my wife uttering "Shut him UP! "Oh what to do? No amount of searching on my part would produce the key to my work shop that ajoins our back patio..where the animal crates are. My sleep deprived head came up with the solution of wrapping him up in a towel and holding him close to me, which by day he loved very much to the point of begging to be picked up.
It worked. He softly coo cooed as he gazed up at me and began to settle down,. Thusly, that became our "getting to know you" time. From that moment on, each morning, I would be roused from my slumber by Marlin the Bugling Roo and I would bring him in. W e'd set in the family room and watch tv...or...

yep...cuddle in bed. The End
Putting in my 2 cents: Marilyn, our buff orpington and Norma, our light sussex started looking cockerel-ish so I posted their pics here and sure enough, just about everyone said, cockerel. About I dunno, lets say 2/3 weeks later Marilyn got renamed Marlin. Set yourself down and I'll tell ya how it went Once upon a time I was sound asleep when I was rudely awakened by the musical styling of a young cockerel at 0 dark 30. Jumping out of bed, I ran my PJed carcass out to the mini barn to fetch my early morning serenader and brought him in. Each pacing step I took as I roamed the house with him was accompanied with whispered pleas of " please stop please stop." Each 3rd or 5th step accompanied with an ever increasing annoying CA CA CAAAAACA EHHHHHhghhhr. My sleepy eyed kids circled and complained..my wife uttering "Shut him UP! "Oh what to do? No amount of searching on my part would produce the key to my work shop that ajoins our back patio..where the animal crates are. My sleep deprived head came up with the solution of wrapping him up in a towel and holding him close to me, which by day he loved very much to the point of begging to be picked up. It worked. He softly coo cooed as he gazed up at me and began to settle down,. Thusly, that became our "getting to know you" time. From that moment on, each morning, I would be roused from my slumber by Marlin the Bugling Roo and I would bring him in. W e'd set in the family room and watch tv...or... yep...cuddle in bed. The End
Lol love it
Putting in my 2 cents: Marilyn, our buff orpington and Norma, our light sussex started looking cockerel-ish so I posted their pics here and sure enough, just about everyone said, cockerel. About I dunno, lets say 2/3 weeks later Marilyn got renamed Marlin. Set yourself down and I'll tell ya how it went
Once upon a time I was sound asleep when I was rudely awakened by the musical styling of a young cockerel at 0 dark 30. Jumping out of bed, I ran my PJed carcass out to the mini barn to fetch my early morning serenader and brought him in. Each pacing step I took as I roamed the house with him was accompanied with whispered pleas of " please stop please stop." Each 3rd or 5th step accompanied with an ever increasing annoying CA CA CAAAAACA EHHHHHhghhhr. My sleepy eyed kids circled and complained..my wife uttering "Shut him UP! "Oh what to do? No amount of searching on my part would produce the key to my work shop that ajoins our back patio..where the animal crates are. My sleep deprived head came up with the solution of wrapping him up in a towel and holding him close to me, which by day he loved very much to the point of begging to be picked up.
It worked. He softly coo cooed as he gazed up at me and began to settle down,. Thusly, that became our "getting to know you" time. From that moment on, each morning, I would be roused from my slumber by Marlin the Bugling Roo and I would bring him in. W e'd set in the family room and watch tv...or...

yep...cuddle in bed. The End
That is amazingly hilarious!

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