Hello, my name is Lucas. My son has been wanting chicks (any bird is fine) for the past years and it has been hard for us for us to find fertile eggs that we could afford :(. We would do everything possible to care for the bird. If any of you are willing to send any unwanted fertile eggs, we would appreciate that so much. Of course, it’s your decision and whatever is good for you. We’re just asking to see. Have a great day!
Thank you.
Where in florida are you located?
Hey! Thanks for replying! I live in Palm Coast?
I'm in chuluota FL, so a bit far away. I'm not comfortable with shipping eggs and I have two little ones so to go to the post office is a pain. However, if you are ever in the area or have someone who is close, I'm happy to give you some eggs for you to hatch.
I'm in chuluota FL, so a bit far away. I'm not comfortable with shipping eggs and I have two little ones so to go to the post office is a pain. However, if you are ever in the area or have someone who is close, I'm happy to give you some eggs for you to hatch.
No worries! Thank you for trying! Unfortunately, I have no car so no can do!
Hi all :). Anyone know a good place to list ducklings for sale? Ended up with way more than I wanted (broody ducks...for the win...). Tried facebook (no matter how worded, post removed), Craigslist, bestfarmbuys, and a couple other apps with no luck.
fakebook sucks, do yourself a favor and avoid them like the cancer they are. anyways..
I have seen them often sold in craigs list and seen people with good luck selling poultry in there. Yes you have the spam ads with the commercial clowns but also a lot of local mom and pop selling birds etc.

Try looking at your local tractor supplies. I can't say it happens everywhere but the ones around me, every saturday and sunday at times too, people will set up in the parking lot with crates of livestock selling them on the side of the road. Im talking all kinds of stuff, Ive seen birds of every feather, pigs, goats, rabbits, all kinds of stuff for sale.

what part of town you in? I know that a lot of places they have monthly like flea markets / auctions people bring their stuff to. The tractor supply people should be able to give you info on if there is one local to you, where, when etc.

You might also want to do a quick internet search and see if there are any local feed / farm stores around you and ask them too. They always know of stuff like what you need.

Hi all :). Anyone know a good place to list ducklings for sale? Ended up with way more than I wanted (broody ducks...for the win...). Tried facebook (no matter how worded, post removed), Craigslist, bestfarmbuys, and a couple other apps with no luck.
Where in FL are you located? What breed are your ducks?

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