i live in west cental florida dade city
I'm thinking about doing a chicken swap in St.Pete sometime, now that it looks like there are more of us around here! Would anyone be interested in coming to one? I have a huge yard, and could host at my home.
We are still really new to this and have nothing to swap and probably not able to buy any chickens, but we would love coming out and meeting like minded folks in the area.
Central Florida members - awkward question:

Do any of you know of a butcher who will dress out a rooster or two? Are there any of you who raise meat birds who would be willing to do mine?

I have 6 12 week old chickens and just heard my first adolescent "crowing" this morning. I am pretty sure that I have at least 2 roosters, but I won't know for sure for the next few weeks or until I see the one who is crowing. I love all my birds and haven't decided for sure whether or not to rehome the roosters or whether to take this investment full circle. I know I couldn't kill them myself and I also can't imagine giving my roosters away on Craigslist or something and never knowing if my roos went with someone who used them for fighting. If they're going to be eaten, I'd rather eat them myself.

Thanks for your advice. I'm going to repost this in the meat birds section also.
They probally are to young still to get any meat from them. What kind are they???? I would learn to do them yourself, it's easier to skin them vs pluck. Maybe i should have someone do a demo at my swap. I personally can't do them cause i hate blood! Like to the point i get sick................ask heavenleigh and clarke if you don't believe me.............LMAO!

Maybe if someone has a swap and you can make it, you could bring them and a cooler of ice...............worth a try
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I am in Seminole,Florida----looking forward to (fingers crossed) the new laws passing this week allowing chickens in Unincorporated Pinellas County !!!!Then getting hubby to agree to having hens ( it was his idea 1st)....I want two-- at least one Orpington--Buff or Golden & my daughter thinks she wants a Barred Rock.
i didnt think there was a problem with chickens in un-inc pinellas co? ive seen a few over the years that had them and never were bothered

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