I'm in Titusville..... now these boys wouldn't be used for soup or anything would they? I just have to make sure- they are very loved (and spoiled rotten). We would love to talk!
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I could have used that Buff, but I had to make room for a new breed, and the buffs are gone, 25 days too late
Post them on CL, you can get to know the people first. Just ask them how they area going to keep them (ie coop run etc.) and also the people that offer to send weekly picture updates are not going to eat your pets.

Good luck!
Hi, is this where I should put my info?

I live in South Florida, Fort Lauderdale.


I rescued him when his Mother got killed by a wild animal. He was the only one who hatched before she died.

I named him "LUCKY".

I love him, but it's time for him to have a new home and a nice place to run around.

He's a bit wild, you can't pick him up but he does eat out of your hand.

He can get a little pecky at times.

I think he would be better when he has some chickens to protect, etc. I think he is bored now, because he started chasing his long tail feathers and biting them.

A farm type atmosphere would be the best for him.

PLEASE Don't contact me if you plan on eating him. After beating the odds, I want Lucky to live a long life.

Oh, he is 1/2 Barred Rock but was never speckled. He was black up until about a month ago, now he is getting reddish-tinges. His father was mostly reddish-brown, not sure what type of rooster he is though.



I loaded up a pic of LUCKY, not the best one I have. Will put a better one up soon.
still Deb can you tell me more?? Did your cat do fine up until one day and then all of a sudden start with issues?? OUr cat was fine until I had my heart issues last year and was soooo sick and going back and forth to the Mayo clinic for heart procedures and staying overnight. That was when it all started! We have spent @ $5,000 in the last year on his Feline urinary issues!! Right now we are locking him in the bathroom at night with water and his litter box and during the day he is staying in the backyard..still not sure what we are going to do! I cannot continue to treat him at the vet when it is not helping him long term. I don't want him to be in any pain, but I also will NOT deal with any more ruined furniture!! THE SMELL alone is enough to drive anyone insane. Getting ready to call carpet cleaning guy to come steam clean couches AGAIN!! I am saving up for new couches AGAIN and in the mean time will be looking for one we really like...the leather sectional we had was EVERYONE in the families favorite!
WE absolutely love our cat but every single person in our house is at our limit with inappropriate urination!!

I have a friend locally who has 2 acres and she is willing to give him an outdoor home, but for now we are trying him be outside during the day and inside at night and praying he starts really liking it and stays outside!

Does anyone near Gainesville-Ocala have blue laced red wyandottes? They're so pretty and I'd like to add some to my (increasingly diverse) layer flock. Chicks or hatching eggs preferred, but older girls culled from breeding programs would be welcomed too.
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I got some and they are just starting to lay, I got 16 pullets, and 4 cockerels,I know what cockerels to keep, but having a lil trouble on the pullets, I know I'm going to keep just 10, most of them are not even laying yet but I hope pretty soon they will be, in about 30 more days I should know what pullets I'm keeping
Oooh yay! Please let me know!

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