Hey all.. wanted to share photos of the new additions this past weekend.
Some of these are for sale too if you want some big healthy chicks!

Some of the Lt. Brahma's


The Blue Laced Red Wyandottes


The single Wheaten Maran


The lucky surviving Dk. Brahma "Crush" I thought he was a gonner so I was checking the egg and accidentally broke it.. cheeping and blood..
Still not positive he will make it but he's eating and drinking so.. that's a positive sign

Hey Carol,

Got this bit of advice for free ranging and not laying:

make sure your protien is higher than 16% for free ranging. I feed 20% and free range. The ranging will cut feed protien down some and 16% goes down to 12 to 14% and is not enough to lay on. Up that protien lock them up for a week and you should be good to go.​
Just checked my feeds and none tell of contents, much less precentage of protein. I purchase from reputable supplier, so quality should be there. As to free ranging, my girls are only out of their regular dirt pin from 5:30 pm until they put themselves to bed. Otherwise they are in a fenced yard and eating on laying pellets and veggie matter thrown into yard. They get their "treats" (scratch) when they are let out of the yard...................fun to watch them run for treats.
It should be standard % protein, I know my bags say 19% and I also have flock raiser game feed (for the ducks) and I give the chickens some of it a couple of times a week.There feed is crumble not pellet with scratch once a week, afternoons in the yard free ranging and veggie treats in their run. I also put apple cidar vinegar in their water, reduces alge growth and is good for their digestive track.
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Cross your fingers all, 12 white call ducks and 9 gray calls all set to hatch anytime now. Hardest little boogers to hatch ever. Have 2 whites who pipped internally and got stuck, had to opn their shells they could breath! Going to be a long sleepless weekend around here.

Latest round of chicks started hatching yesterday, 1 more to go right now and they are done.

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