ssssshhhh, Be real quiet when you ask this question. The Ameruancana breeders will have your head on a platter if they hear it!

Amerauacana's are pure breeds....

Easter eggers lay colored eggs, but are mixes / mutts. They are the result of an Ameruancana mixed with something else....

There are more DETAILS that separate them..... but that is the jest of why folks are sensitive to the terms being interchanged.

HATCHERIES do it all the time...... Hatcheries have EEs, but advertise them as Ameracuanas.
ssssshhhh, Be real quiet when you ask this question. The Ameruancana breeders will have your head on a platter if they hear it!

Amerauacana's are pure breeds....

Easter eggers lay colored eggs, but are mixes / mutts. They are the result of an Ameruancana mixed with something else....

There are more DETAILS that separate them..... but that is the jest of why folks are sensitive to the terms being interchanged.

HATCHERIES do it all the time...... Hatcheries have EEs, but advertise them as Ameracuanas.

ssssshhhh, Be real quiet when you ask this question. The Ameruancana breeders will have your head on a platter if they hear it!

Amerauacana's are pure breeds....

Easter eggers lay colored eggs, but are mixes / mutts. They are the result of an Ameruancana mixed with something else....

There are more DETAILS that separate them..... but that is the jest of why folks are sensitive to the terms being interchanged.

HATCHERIES do it all the time...... Hatcheries have EEs, but advertise them as Ameracuanas.


EE's also come bearded and not, green legs and not, and lay blue, aqua, teal, green, olive, white, pink eggs. They are also a rainbow of colors

Pure bred= lay blue eggs only with some of the best laying eggs the color of am robins egg. These are distinguished by colorations, just like wheaten in other breeds, or blue's ect, where as with EE the same 12 eggs can hatch a wide variety of colors, pure bred with hatch true colors again and again.

My EE eggs come from the same breeder, same hens, same roo (I requested the same pen again) first hatch was 3 golden/cream chicks, 3 blue chicks, 1 silver chick. This time we have 1 copper brown/red, 1 almost black, 2 blue&buff, 2 brown/gray, 5 cream/gold

My new olive Eggers are also mixed breed, but were bred with the goal of only olive eggs to be laid.

All sorts of other differences but I have them solely for the blue eggs. LoL
yeah the word ameracana is spoken very softly around here....
if you want to play on the egg swap threads EE "mutts" are not allowed but Ameracanas that are different colors (silver to white or buff, blue) breed together are called EE's and those you CAN play with....

I have 2 pens 1 Ameracanas pure and 1 pen of mixed colors. And the funny thing is I get alot more people wanting the "mixed" chicks over the pure.... oh well they all come from blueish eggs so what ever......
LoL I plan to keep mine as mixed colors until I hatch more eggs for both and can seperate, until then don't really care since they are blue eggs. Personally now that I have hatched both I really like my EE's best.
Olive Eggers are mixed breeds that are bred with the goal of only getting olive colored eggs. As far as EE's not sure where you are but a number of us have them. I have a mixed group that I pulled my keepers from, the rest are available. Just hatched a dozen more this week. ( on Merritt Island here)


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