Me too! Video will have to do. Can't wait till you get it pushed through, I will help if you need it on the state level. I work in social media now and have contacts across the state as well as news channels out of Orlando.
My chickens & I were once interviewed on TV (The Chicken Whisperer was in town at our feed store) and that was his first question to me. That's also what a lot of folks have said to me, once they learned we were keeping chickens, "wow, you must save a TON of money on your grocery bill!" And I always tell them that while we aren't saving money on eggs, we do benefit in so many other ways. BUT if that's what it'll take to persuade local lawmakers to allow chickens in your town, let them keep thinking that way.
Wow!!! very very positive! I looked so stupid though
Dianna at least had some vegies to show for her efforts! I am searching for the link....it may not show up until the am though
VERY WELL DONE!!!!!!! You did a wonderful job making your point and I hope the commissioner follows through with his on-camera promise. Keep getting those signatures, enlist the help of those signing up to get other friends to sign up....you can't reach as many people by yourself. This is your chance to make a difference, I encourage you to get the word out to your community every way you can. I would make posters or flyers (you can have them printed for $4-6 per 100 at office depot/max etc.) and put them in every public place you can (feed stores, grocery stores, hardware stores, phone poles, etc.) Make a bold catchy title like: DO YOU WANT THE RIGHT TO GROW YOUR OWN FOOD? Keep up the good work, we're behind you all the way. This will be an issue in many places very soon, so we all have to share ideas of how to fight this outdated legislation.

Lot's of positive vibes coming your way! Let's hope the editing and "flavor" of the piece is in the positive. I'm sure they are also going to interview a few of those against.
Here's hoping they aren't nasty mean people..

Thanks! I hope so too! The camera man and the interviewer were both certainly positive! and they didnt bother going to my next door neighbor
When we get this through we are going to go statewide! and chicken poop on their boots to those who oppose us!
The main "take" on the story is the economy and how peeps have to do what they can to make ends meet.
online petition will be up soon

You did a great job...best of luck!!!!!
Facebook has been a very helpful tool in bringing a lot of public attention to issues, you should start a page for the cause in your area. I know there's one for Lake Worth Chickens, the one in Port St Lucie too. Let us know if you do so we can help by joining.
I will Thanks! Dianna and i are planning a facebook page so will post it up here when done.
At the moment I am emailing all the BYC peeps who have a Lee county address so if I double up on someone just ignore me

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