Musashi, what color chicks and how many did you get? Are they babies or juveniles? We would LOVE to see some pictures!!!!! I love seeing someone get started in Silkies....I get to experience the wonder and joy all over again through you!!!!
I guess I should say we're Planning on getting some from them lol.

Trust me when we get some we'll be taking tons of pics like all the crazy chicken people on here. They do have silkies at Itsie Bitsie, but I'm thinking of getting some Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and maybe a Brahma or two ;-) I might have to throw in a silkie or two just for good measure anyway, they are just danged cute!

But we're talking a month or more before any of that happens. Got to hatch out some eggs ;-)
I will be visiting their place on Sunday to decide which easter egg catches our fancy. ;-)

So, as far as posting pictures, here are a couple from when I picked up my eggs from chicsinthesun:
Me posing with my egg gift:


And the eggs we received, my wife lined them up and put this pic on her blog (It's in Japanese so I hadn't shared it previously due to no one can read it anyway lol:

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Happy launch day all! Let's hope the launch goes off without a glitch. Been a busy week around here, will be glad to have DH back to a normal work week. (as normal as the Air Force allows)
YES!! Go Atlantis!! I live in Titusville just off the river. The crowds have been just CRAZY.. There were people camping out all along the river in tents the last 2-3 days and it POURED yesterday. I can't imagine they are still dry and not covered with mosquito bites. I want it to go just for those poor people.. and my DH who works at Dogs R Us (restaurant) on the river and has a crazy few days before and after the launch prep.
Our day started at 3:30 this morning (I try and get up to have coffee with him every morning) and no later than 4:30 the rest of the week. 1 more launch on Monday then back to "normal". So looking forward to his retirement.
Don't look too forward to it...my Dad retired 2 yrs ago and after 2 months of down time was loosing his mind...now works 1 part time job (25hrs to 30hrs per week) and does little handy man work (odd jobs) here and there....so he puts in more hrs per week than he did before!!!

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