So glad to hear that you are moving those guys out

I may have a gimpy hen if you were still looking for more layers. She's 19 weeks and should start laying soon.. I named her Wobble because she had a splay leg as a baby and just can't walk perfectly. I feel bad because they free range all day and she struggles to keep up. Let me know if you (or anyone) is interested in taking care of this special girl
I SURE did and I LOVED it..
I will miss that noise more than I thought I would

I heard it! or rather felt it
The headboard was shuddering.... Woke me from a sound sleep and I thought my daughter was crashing around in her room or something...then went right back to sleep. I saw the shuttle taking off once and it went across the face of a full moon with smoke streaming out the back! Oh how I wish I had a camera that day.
I want someone to take my 2 roos as well. I am not having any luck on craigs list at all and I've listed them 3 times.
This is a golden laced cochin...It doesnt show in the pic but his feathers have all this lovely green shimmer to them.

And this guy.

They are starting to squabble with each other..both FREE ....driving up to Ocala on the 3rd. Even a temp home would great as DD really wants to keep them
I wish I could have roosters!!
I even have some girlfriends for him! The one on the left is apparently an AS mix. I only had two out of eight Appenzeller eggs hatch, and the other is weird mystery chick - this Appenzeller mix is from a completely differnt breeder, and was supposed to be an Sumatra......
She will be avaialble at the swap in Ocala next Saturday, by the way.

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Okay, I need some help please!

Trying to get a grip on a fairly good breeder or Mom & Pop style farm locally to get some Seramas. However, I have one place that tells me that they have some sitting on eggs and I have no problem waiting for them, but as a comparison person, Im trying to find a few other alternatives just in case this does not work out.

I Did locate another local guy who wants $75.00 per bird and did not give much more information. Does this sound crazy to anyone else, or is it just me?
I'd think he'd need to show you some paperwork on the birds lineage or show winnings to get that price. Reference from satisfied clients would be good too. Good luck!
If any of you are suffering from the heat like my babies are, I may have found a solution.

I have been on the computer many many hours since I lost my beautiful hen yesterday evening. I have found and ordered three portable swamp coolers and I hope they arrive before I have any more losses. I weighed the time and materials cost to construct three units for my 3 coops and don't believe I could accomplish it soon enough to beat this horrible heat wave before it claims more of my precious babies. Also, I have no confidence it would work after I went to the trouble to make it! HA! And I'd probably get heat stroke out there working on them too.

So, after extensive research I found this little unit called a Ninja Portable Evaporative cooler for $99. It has a 3 speed fan, exterior size is 18 x 11 x 26", 22 pounds on rollers, it covers 150 sq.ft. with air flow of 650 cubic feet per minute (and throws the air flow 33 feet from the unit). You have to put water in it but the reservoir holds over 4 gallons which will not have to be refilled as often as smaller capacity models. The energy cost to run them is significantly less than an AC unit, more like what a fan would use.

Even though I had to get three of them, I still think I am better off buying the compact little unit instead of rigging some goshawful looking thing that would sit outside my coops littering my deck. I may be a redneck, but I don't want my house to shout it to others! HA! I'm in a residential neighborhood and I'm pressing my luck having chickens at all....I can't do anything to get voted off the street. This one goes INSIDE the coop, so it doesn't look hideous.

If you want to consider this option, just copy and paste this link and see what they have that might fit your needs. They have a very large selection and the best prices I found. Be sure to make your purchase on a Friday and get a 7% discount off your total purchase.


They're in California so allow a few days for shipping unless you're closer than I am in Florida. I hope and pray it's the solution. If not, I have 30 days to decide and return them.
I don't know anyone breeding Seramas, but I know (and very highly respect) two breeders of other bantams who are both members of our Poultry Club. You could contact them and see who else they know, I would completely trust their advice. There is:

Sprouse House Dutch Bantams, Johnny Sprouse, at 863-467-0028

and Japanese Bantam breeder Mike Schmidt at [email protected]

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