Nooo, never heard of those.

well these are 5 months old and ready to be butchered these one weighs around 13 pounds I'm guessing now I'm curious have to weight him tomorror

orps come in a lot of colors too and are very friendly too and the hens are good egg layers.

You might be able to find someone near your end of Fla willing to take you up on this offer. For me, I find processing to be such a sweaty boring chore no one could pay me enough to do it all for them.

I will, however, do it for love, but not ever for money.

Meaning that I'll do it gladly for my family's table. And also gladly do it alongside anyone wanting to learn how to process. I'll even do it for folks willing to hang out with me and simply keep me company while I do the chore, and maybe hand me tools or keep my water cup filled.

Others may feel differently, but for me, there's no amount of compensation worth having me out sweating in the back yard with my hand up inside chicken carcasses while others wait in the air-conditioning for their chicken dinners to be delivered.

I'm hoping that yes, someone else may feel differently. I don't mind the idea of processing birds - I don't mind work, and I'm not squeemish. It's just two factors that make me want to do the exchange: 1) I don't think I could process the ones I've been raising as pets, and 2) I don't have the room or facilities in my back yard to be able to do it without the neighbors possibly hearing and seeing it and FREAKING out. They love my chickens, too, and I am surrounded by city folks (all of them lovely) who I don't think want to look out thier back window and see me butchering chickens.

I know up north there are a lot of places to take your chickens for butchering. It would be great if we had one here, too.
Itsa beautiful morning! Then sun is up.. The hens are clucking.. The rooster is crowing.. Wait! I'm not allowed to have roosters here!! SHEELLLIIIEEE!!!
want a delivery today?!

I am hoping it's just my little AP Spitz .. Didn't see just heard when I was letting them out this morning. He's 2 months old.. That's about right for crowing right?
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Hi all. I have 6 two week old runner ducklings that I need to sell and a black pair of 9 month old runners. I have not been able to find anyone that is interested in them.

I have been looking at the different swaps, sooner rather than later, nothing seems to be too close to where I am, Tampa Bay area, Pinellas county. I'm thinking maybe the one at TSC in Brooksville on 8/6.
I have not been to a swap before. Are there generally people that would be interested in ducks. I can't really swap as I don't have space for more so I'd just be selling. What are prices normally like? Or do you just barter?

I am so disappointed that nobody is interested in my cuties.
Any suggestions on how I can advertise them more effectively? I'm thinking of maybe rehoming my other blue female also, I don't need the eggs (have chickens) and don't want more babies if nobody is interested in them. I love their personalities though so may just keep the boys. Ahhhh, I don't know what to do now.
I would take them in a heart beat, but we are on Merritt Island near Kennedy Space center.

Jess, today is my sons birthday, but if he is crowing he is welcome anytime. I will be back home within the hour.

I am still trying to figure out these boards. I saw that a few people replied, so thanks for the warm welcome. I just got my 3 Easter Egger chicks from Itsazoo32 and they are FABULOUS! I can't give her more props - the fact that she has kids who are allowed to handle the birds really obviously helped their personalities. They are healthy, bright & fun.

My son who is two and a half loves them & they don't mind him or me one bit. I supervise very closely when he handles them. Very sweet chickies. One hops out to say what's up every time I clean their water bowl (is ten times a day normal for an OCD chicken momma and 1-month-old chicks... they party like teenagers in there!) I love their coop & so do they. I am so pleased. I've been letting them "free range" a few hours a day, throughout the day, but I am still too nervous to just let them wander.

I definitely want to step-up my flock pronto, as I want their ages to be similar & the acceptance into the flock to be seamless. I know I want a few of the silkies that Itsazoo32 will hopefully have soon & I would LOVE to get some that lay the deep deep brown eggs... French Copper Marans I think they're called. Anyone have any leads on good local sources for that? I'm in Melbourne, but can travel to the Orlando area fairly easy b/c we have family there. LMK please!!! I'll be your best friend.

I posted pics of my chicks & coop on here - it told me I wrote a blog. I have no idea what I am doing on BYC yet, so excuse the learning curve if I'm not doing it right.

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