Chickens should be able to be in every yard unless it's a noise problem and hens don't make a loud noise,But my roosters sure do.Glad I have no 1 living close to me.I live far enough away from everyone.
It's too early to panic! One thing working to our advantage is the recent cooler weather patterns up north - those fronts help keep the storms offshore. My parents in Michigan had to start up the furnace the other day, so that's good for us. I had enough flooding in the past few weeks (even in my brand new pen), that the thought of a hurricane or even tropical depression any time soon sends my stress levels through the roof.

I don't really see how hens are different than parrots, and there's no restrictions on owning them. In fact, I know people with large parrots that issue ear shattering calls at all hours of the day (love birds, that's too much even for me). Seems like discrimination. I have both parrots and chickens. My roosters make a lot of noise sometimes too. I emailed an apology to my neighbor last week, after I ran out at 4am (thinking I heard a predator) and woke up the whole flock, who proceeded to crow like mad. She said she never heard a thing - now that's a great neighbor!

Nothing to do with what you all were talking about just want to ... WAVE HELLO to Flchick! Just noticed your siggy, I bought 4 of our Silkies from you.
Nothing to do with what you all were talking about just want to ... WAVE HELLO to Flchick! Just noticed your siggy, I bought 4 of our Silkies from you.

HOWDY!!!! So glad you joined the site...you do know it's quite addicting right?! Lol
Tampa, isn't that far from here...just over an hour

Tampa is 3 hours if I had a car and drove like I did to make it in time for the auctions.Doing 85 & 90mph! I know I was flying below the radars.

According to Mapquest, Apopka is 2 hrs from St.Pete, so about 20min less from Tampa! I've still got my Sumatra boy to find a home for!
Nothing to do with what you all were talking about just want to ... WAVE HELLO to Flchick! Just noticed your siggy, I bought 4 of our Silkies from you.

HOWDY!!!! So glad you joined the site...you do know it's quite addicting right?! Lol

The site and the chickens are quite addicting for both the girls and I.
*sigh* up in north wisconsin it's cold already. it gets30-40 at night now. late august and this started. it really sucks. as it gets colder you guys have to post pictures for me so i can remember there is such thing as nice warm weather.

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