vanilla.exe :

Most of our neighbors don't mind, we've even gotten a few compliments from some of the older peeps that do like to hear him. But it only takes one bad egg to ruin everything!
Hopefully by next year we will own our own property out in the boonies xD

I hope you get what you want out in the country.​
Most of our neighbors don't mind, we've even gotten a few compliments from some of the older peeps that do like to hear him. But it only takes one bad egg to ruin everything!
Hopefully by next year we will own our own property out in the boonies xD

I hope you get what you want out in the country.

Thank you! Right now we're looking at undeveloped land because you can get a lot for a little here, then we throw a trailer on it for a few years while we save up to build a house. Beats renting, that's for sure!
vanilla.exe :

I hope you get what you want out in the country.

Thank you! Right now we're looking at undeveloped land because you can get a lot for a little here, then we throw a trailer on it for a few years while we save up to build a house. Beats renting, that's for sure!​

You got that right! And a place you can call your own
Thank you! Right now we're looking at undeveloped land because you can get a lot for a little here, then we throw a trailer on it for a few years while we save up to build a house. Beats renting, that's for sure!

You got that right! And a place you can call your own

Damn skippy, I would rather own land than anything else in the world, for all of the hardships it may or may not cause, it's still yours and a place to lay your head! Here's to building a farm half as nice as yours someday.
My parents live on ten acres out in the boonies, and they still have problems with looney neighbors. They're suing the one next door for dumping hazardous waste on his property, and the guy across the street puts animal heads on the fence posts by the road after he slaughters, the same guy's windmill flew apart and hit my brother's house - crazy and dangerous. I say always try to find out who lives in the neighborhood before buying! Good neighbors are priceless.

Most of our neighbors don't mind, we've even gotten a few compliments from some of the older peeps that do like to hear him. But it only takes one bad egg to ruin everything!
Hopefully by next year we will own our own property out in the boonies xD

I hope you get what you want out in the country.
See, now if that was my chickie, I could never part with it! So cute - bet your grandkids are excited?!

Thanks much!

Looks like I am going to have to drop the price a bit....
$400 obo

If you still have it in two weeks (next payday has OT in it) I'll buy it from you! That is a BEAUTIFUL coop.
vanilla.exe :


0.000 toxic waste? That's a really6 good tip to keep in mind. Know your neighbors!​

Maybe it was chicken poop.
Welcome!!! I'm in Pasco too! Yup, this is the place to learn, but also find some chicken books. "Raising Chickens for Dummies" is what I'm currently reading and it fills in a lot of the blanks without searching for everything here. But, like I said this is the place to learn, and to talk chickens with people who get it. (unlike most everyone I know in person!!!)
Good luck!

Hello Very close neighbor...I'm in Zephyrhills
. Well actually the house we bought is in Crystal Springs but the address is Zephyrhills, don't know why but it is. I'll have to go get that book, thanks for the advise.

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