to Florida!!

You may want to put chicken wire, or even better, hardware cloth, over the chain link sides for added security.
We free range all day here, but also have two Great Pyrenees out 24/7 to protect the ducks, geese, chickens and goats. Hardware clothmor chicken wire attached to the chain link will help stop the smaller critters from reaching through.
to FL enjoy the move and settling in.
Welcome soon to be Floridian!! Depending on how far out you get, you should not have a difficult time free ranging. Ours free range all day and are locked up at night only. Most of our predetaors are night time hunters. We live in a rural area where we have fox, coons, possum, and snakes. I have not seen cyotes yet, but I know they are around. I did lose 6 or so birds this spring to foxes that were denning near by, but we now have a Great Pyrenees, so should not be a problem. As far as gators? Not really a problem, I rarely see one. If you do, call this lady!!



I am in SW FL right now (looking to move soon, though). Where abouts you moving to? IMHO, you MUST have a secure, enclosed coop for night roosting (think plywood). I did not think we had an issue here until something came a few nights ago and ate half of my ground quail who were in a chickenwired run. Good luck!


I am in SW FL right now (looking to move soon, though). Where abouts you moving to? IMHO, you MUST have a secure, enclosed coop for night roosting (think plywood). I did not think we had an issue here until something came a few nights ago and ate half of my ground quail who were in a chickenwired run. Good luck!


Sounds more like a coon to me!

I am in SW FL right now (looking to move soon, though). Where abouts you moving to? IMHO, you MUST have a secure, enclosed coop for night roosting (think plywood). I did not think we had an issue here until something came a few nights ago and ate half of my ground quail who were in a chickenwired run. Good luck!


Sounds more like a coon to me!

yes, we expect it was a coon.

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