Use to live in Florida, I live in France now but will return to FL in 3 or 4 years,does that count
If you have a livestock dog, what breed(s)
I have a chihuahua

and why?
because he blends in with our flock and a predator won't know what awaits him,





We have two Great Pyrenees, the female was bred here in FL, our male came from a working goat farm in Ohio. They are great dogs over all. Like any dog they require working with them when young. Ours are just about to turn 2 (her in Nov, he in Dec), and they can now both be left alone with the flocks without any worry. She took longer than he did to get it in her head not to play with the young chicks. We have a huge problem with cyotes here on MI as well as coons, bobcat, hawks ect. Everyone free ranges all day thanks to the dogs patrolling.

Even our quail are safe with the dogs around. Had one fly from it's cage yesterday and land at my males feet he just looked at it and walked off. We are thinking about breeding the dogs since they are both very good with allmof our animals, and the pupsmwould be raised around the flocks and make good dogs for others with chickens ect.

Here is our front yard with all of the rain so far.
So much for moving the new coop into place today.


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