
They were hot little girls, sweating a lot. The EE's were nicer coming out into coop than going into crate. They wandered around for a few minutes, all checked out the next boxes and followed the bigger OE out the door into chickn yard.................gate open so they can explore and free range. I forgot to ask their ages and how much you charge for your eggs. Not sure but I think the OEers or the little lav are gonna be my favorites. They are so cute.

It would be nice to get an egg from new girls today. We already have gotten our usual 1 from a Dominque today and waiting on the Maran egg. I promise to keep you posted as they progress into flock.

Jess.......Wooble has become John's pet and greeted the new girls well. What shade of brown eggs are her siblings laying?
Hooray! We need pictures!

Well, almost all of them lay a light cream to a mid brown. I will have to ask my dad what version of brown his lay but they are all brownish.. these are mine

Sorry about that. Some people, EVEN chicken people, suck.

I imagine they don't like mixed breeds of anything. Forget it, she's a loser. Diversity and mixture make the world more interesting place.
If I had a rainbow smiley it would go here.

The Lav's and OE's are around 16 weeks give or take (will pull the calendar tomorrow and double check it). The twins are Nov 2010 babies, so just about to be 1. I love the Lav and OE chicks too. Can't wait to hatch more and pull a couple of keepers from them as well. Eating eggs are $2.50 a doz, and we currently have 1 doz in the frig available. Normally we have about 5 at any one time, but recently had new customers and with family in town we went through more eggs quicker.

Hope the rest of the day went well with the new girls.


The Lav's and OE's are around 16 weeks give or take (will pull the calendar tomorrow and double check it). The twins are Nov 2010 babies, so just about to be 1. I love the Lav and OE chicks too. Can't wait to hatch more and pull a couple of keepers from them as well. Eating eggs are $2.50 a doz, and we currently have 1 doz in the frig available. Normally we have about 5 at any one time, but recently had new customers and with family in town we went through more eggs quicker.

Hope the rest of the day went well with the new girls.


Are they from the same batch as the EE/OE I have from you? That would be fun! Carol- we have sister chickens!!

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