
Okay the Naked Necks - cuuute. I like those BLACK legs! What color will the 2nd be?

Splash. I like splashes - no - maybe - I love splashes.

I especially like chicken colors (like gold fish, and paint horses) that are allowed to have some uniqueness (oh yeah Pied peacocks..) in the coloring / markings.

-- Madeline

Okay the Naked Necks - cuuute. I like those BLACK legs! What color will the 2nd be?

Splash. I like splashes - no - maybe - I love splashes.

I especially like chicken colors (like gold fish, and paint horses) that are allowed to have some uniqueness (oh yeah Pied peacocks..) in the coloring / markings.

-- Madeline
It was all Sandy's idea. She had already gotten pretty established in terms of bird quality and getting the non-profit thing.

Soule and I have just helped the focus. And since Sandy is so "on the farm" oriented - keeping birds healthy, feeding, watering, making love matches, cleaning brooder room, teaching and talking to people that come about Chickens etc. etc etc etc -- Soule and I come in to expand the "outward" parts. Washing chickens for shows, finding about about Swaps, designing a program for the handicapped...

I just keep telling myself, (and sometimes Sandy) that unless you have lots of money - all places start humbly.

I know Sandy by the way, because a few years ago my pet peahen woke up not being able to walk. I could not find a single vet in my area to see her. I even got a parrot pet shop to recommend their doctor and made an appt there. Two hours later, the receptionist called and apologetically told me that the vet was canceling because he would not see peacocks... (!)

I went nuts and started looking for a peacock breeder closer than the one I bought her at as a chick (- on the Florida panhandle.) Somewhere I stumbled on an old ad with something about peacocks and a phone number.

Sandy (luckily) answered that call as it rang. I told her what was up - and she said "Can you bring her here? I am not a vet but have you done...?? "

I didn't know about doing any of those things to peacocks - Soule and I jumped in the car with Splendid. By the time we got to Sandy's hours after she woke up like this Splendid was beginning to stop eating even her favorite treats...

Anyway - it's a drama drama story. I was so impressed the way Sandy firmly but gently confidently flipped her on her back and started looking for external injuries or parasites...

Sandy saved her life. Before I even understood the depth of what Sandy wanted to do with her property and for such strong reasons, I just knew I wanted to help. Sandy never knew where I found her on-line, and I was never able to find her on-line again. Freaky. But of course, now I work to make her as easy to find as possible - so she and what we are doing can help other people.

Splendid stays mostly at the Conservatory now, and is another strong pull for me to go up and stay. But who wants to miss what's hatching out of the brooder today or tomorrow anyway?

Soule, meanwhile, has a little "mob" of chickens attached to her when she's there,besides Widget, these are the ones that for a bunch of reasons got selected to be the "super super" spoiled ones (sometimes because the chick never fit in with its hatch mates - others because I greedily said "Oh wow! She's pretty! Let me go show Soule.." and sweep them away never to rejoin the "regular ones" or the ones for sale - again.)

- Madeline
It's all "crazy chicken stories" - I'm looking forward to hearing all of yours... (That's the only picture of Splendid at the Conservatory I have on hand at the moment.)
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