Tonight is the end of Day 28 for my broody bantam Q-Tip who has been setting on 2 goose eggs. Last night I looked through them with a flashlight and saw one that looked solid, the other clear. Tonight I put them up to my ear and heard a scritching sound inside one! I pray that the gosling hatches out successfully and that Q-Tip will be a good mama to it.
Welcome New Members
and to the Florida thread. It's getting hard to keep up with you all.

Yeah Tampa Saw the clip on the news. I think we have a lot of clandestine chicken owners in Tampa.

Hope to meet all of you at the swap meet.
Hey there, I have an incubator that I just purchased an egg turner for . I am looking for some fertile eggs in the Tampa bay area to try hatching. I am new at this so I would appreciate any help or advice.

try Chics in the sun

She is in your neck of the woods and sponsors a chick swap. She should have some connections for you
Always fun to go back and read all those post,at the same time I can update the# of our group.

552 FL Members
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