My broody hen hatched her's on Mothers Day. Monday I checked and all 4 original eggs had hatched. during the lockdown she would not let me near her. Later in the afternoon I discovered she had 2 new eggs so I took them away and she got down, the chicks right behind her, and started taking care of them. They do get off the nest for during the incubation period and sometimes the eggs get cool. But since it's been so hot it didn't matter. She hatched 4 out of 4. I have 2 more sitting and one that just started today. I am overrun with broodies this year. LOL I haven't had any luck at trying to break them. Sometimes you just gotta let nature do it's thing.
from Lake Wales. I'm smack dab in the middle of the state. We are all here to enable your addiction. Hope to see you at the next swap.
I do not have chickens YET! I am not sure yet what kinds I will have. Do you have a suggestion for first-timers? I really love Marans (I think that is how you spell it). There is a "chicken lady" here in my area who has the most beautiful Maran roosters. I know they are her most expensive so my untrained chicken eye thinks they must be pretty special chickens. I want to raise chickens primarily for eggs, but I would also like them to be "pets." I am not sure if the Marans are good for that or not- still researching. The petting zoo fella we use for church functions has several silkies that LOVE being picked up. So suffice it to say, I am still in the research and development phase of my journey. At this moment, my husband is absolutely against chickens in our backyard so I still have some work to do there. But he was also against another dog and even the cat and he now claims them all as his (4 dogs and 1 cat)- HA!! We shall see!!
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I do not have chickens YET! I am not sure yet what kinds I will have. Do you have a suggestion for first-timers? I really love Marans (I think that is how you spell it). There is a "chicken lady" here in my area who has the most beautiful Maran roosters. I know they are her most expensive so my untrained chicken eye thinks they must be pretty special chickens. I want to raise chickens primarily for eggs, but I would also like them to be "pets." I am not sure if the Marans are good for that or not- still researching. The petting zoo fella we use for church functions has several silkies that LOVE being picked up. So suffice it to say, I am still in the research and development phase of my journey. At this moment, my husband is absolutely against chickens in our backyard so I still have some work to do there. But he was also against another dog and even the cat and he now claims them all as his (4 dogs and 1 cat)- HA!! We shall see!!

:) Most chicken breeds are good for pets. Many first timers and even old timers like to have a variety, so my 2 cents is to find a place where you can get a variety of chicks that are close in age, raise them up together and enjoy them.
I do not have chickens YET! I am not sure yet what kinds I will have. Do you have a suggestion for first-timers? I really love Marans (I think that is how you spell it). There is a "chicken lady" here in my area who has the most beautiful Maran roosters. I know they are her most expensive so my untrained chicken eye thinks they must be pretty special chickens. I want to raise chickens primarily for eggs, but I would also like them to be "pets." I am not sure if the Marans are good for that or not- still researching. The petting zoo fella we use for church functions has several silkies that LOVE being picked up. So suffice it to say, I am still in the research and development phase of my journey. At this moment, my husband is absolutely against chickens in our backyard so I still have some work to do there. But he was also against another dog and even the cat and he now claims them all as his (4 dogs and 1 cat)- HA!! We shall see!!

Heh! My DBF doesn't approve of animals as pets or animals in confinement. We now have four dogs, 3 cats and a bunch o'chickens. He dotes on every single one of them! Start showing your husband pictures of cute coops you find here on BYC and pictures of people holding chickens, dressing them in clothes, whatever. You want him to recognize that chickens can be more pet like than farm like. A lot of people have very negative pictures in their head of what a coop or a flock should look, and smell,like . I have no advice as far as picking out chickens, like people they have their own personalities and tolerance for handling. Some breeds are more friendly and less flighty than others but you never really know what you're getting. Don't be afraid to try different breeds and if they don't work out, find them new homes. I've been rearranging my flock for a year now and think I've just about got it where I want it. It's been a fun process and I've learned a lot!

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