No goslings, but I just hatched my last bunch of Barred Rocks untill fall. I'll save you a few! .....I love hatch days.......stan
Stan, they are beautiful even as chicks. I am drooling over your Rocks, I hope you were talking to me.
Are you saving them until fall to pick out the best, or selling them now?

Do you want to ride together? I'll share the gas. I'm trying to get my husband to go, but he would rather stay home.

That would be great any other week, but I am just making a flying trip to get the pullets. I have to take my son to a build a thing a majiger at Home Depot before 9. Maybe we can check out each others setups this weekend though. Birds of a feather, you know...
Stan, they are beautiful even as chicks. I am drooling over your Rocks, I hope you were talking to me.
Are you saving them until fall to pick out the best, or selling them now?

I was talking to you Cindy, you said you wanted some newly hatched goslings? These will get almost as big! And yes, I'll grow the pullets to make replacement picks in the fall. Cockerels will go pretty much as soon as they show themselves. I have 3 roosters that I like now and am hoping to get another from a breeder with the same line. I should have several in the fall for you to pick from if you are interested. .....stan.
I was talking to you Cindy, you said you wanted some newly hatched goslings? These will get almost as big! And yes, I'll grow the pullets to make replacement picks in the fall. Cockerels will go pretty much as soon as they show themselves. I have 3 roosters that I like now and am hoping to get another from a breeder with the same line. I should have several in the fall for you to pick from if you are interested. .....stan.

You know I'm interested. I love your birds. The Delawares are doing great, growing like weeds. So smart and active. The Australorps took a little longer to get adjusted. They were very nervous around me, and when the free rangers came by to check them out, when they first came, but now they only get upset when the guinea comes by, but he is a bully.

Just a reminder of the Tallahassee Swap this Sunday
There is another swap coming up at the Tractor Supply Co in Tallahassee on Sunday June 3rd. 10:00AM
5743 W Tennessee Street, Tallahassee
chickens, waterfowl, small animals and rabbits welcome
This is the second swap here they had a very good turnout last month Hope to see ya there

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